Mitchell High Standard Citation 2


New member
So I found a reasonable deal on this target pistol.


This pistol was NIB, never fired, 1 mag with all the paperwork.

My research:

Mitchell and High Standard had a copyright infringement issue, forcing Mitchell out.

The pistol is quirky, but once broken in and dialed in is a heckuva pistol.

Most folks don't like it and it boils down to the copyright infringement.

The price was right, so ...


New member
Everything I've read and heard screams STAY AWAY FROM THE MITCHELL HIGH STANDARDS. Supposedly inferior quality.


New member
So they are inferior quality since you read about it. I currently own one and have owned several over the years. Never had a problem with any of them.


New member
So they are inferior quality since you read about it. I currently own one and have owned several over the years. Never had a problem with any of them.

I said "supposedly". I dont have experience with them. But I do my research and when I see the amount of negative comments that I see for Mitchell HS, it's enough to keep me moving on to something else.

I currently own 4 Hamden High Standards. 5.5 The Victor, 5.5" Supermatic Trophy, and two 7.25" Supermatic Trophies both with two weights and compensators.

You pays your money and you takes your chances with Mitchell it seems. I'll keep hedging my bets by continuing to buy Hamden HSs.


New member
I've been around internet forums since late 97.

One thing I've learned is that folks will post in candid and gory detail how they get screwed over. And without fail, for each "I got screwed" post, there is a simple response ... "I got one and it works fine."

I too read many of the sub-standard Mitchell posts. I also saw as many praise posts about it.

But I also realize that tolerence levels vary greatly.

A single FTF and an owner declare the gun a POS. While the next guy think 1 in a hundred FTF is acceptable.

If a Rolex watch loses 1 sec over a month's period, is it junk or still a nice watch?

I think the gun will be OK because my first name is "Mitchell" and I believe in karma ... :cool:


New member
I hope you get a good one and get many years worth of enjoyment from it.

After years of shooting 1911s and revolvers, I find myself enjoying the simple pleasures of a finely-made target .22.
I've heard negative things about mitchell all around, but that looks quite nice. Their K98s looks clean too, just not for collectors, maybe that explains part of the bashing???


New member
Pictured is one of two HS (High Standard) Victor’s I have. In my experience HS made a fair amount of junk back in the 70’s, 80’s and prior to going belly up. My first HS was a Citation with a wobbly trigger back in the 70’s. It would only fire if the trigger was pushed to one side, I forget which side. Sold it many moons ago.

The pictured Victor was sent back to the factory on my dime twice because it wouldn’t shoot straight, the rear adjustable sight moved to the extreme end of adjustment and it would still fail to zero. First complaint and it came back the same. Second time I called and they didn’t know what I was talking about but the pistol was fixed with no explanation. My guess is they changed the barrel, the aluminum vented rib still has my name etched above the ejection area.

Three HS bought brand new, two with serious issues, one no issues at all. My suggestion is never buy a HS that has not been proven.


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Ran about 300 rounds through it yesterday evening. It is certainly picky about the ammunition you feed it. Had the best luck with Federal bulk. Did NOT like Thunderbolt or any Winchester I had.

I need to get a box of CCI and see how that works out.

It had enough FTE problems to be annoying, but the damn thing was stupid accurate.

Quality mags are hard to come by and pricey ($40 each) when found.

I have an inquiry into Heffron Classic in Iowa to see about getting this thing tuned.

I'm willing to spend a few bucks getting the thing fixed because I purchased it right and it just fits really well.


New member
The High Standard and S&W 41/46 and a few Ruger Mk 1s were pretty much the only rimfires you'd be likely to see in Bullseye competion for lots of years.

The HS does not have a feed ramp so the round needs to be pointed in the right direction and released 'just so' when the slide pushes it out of the mag.

Somewhere there is a 'How To...' thread on how to adjust the feed lips on the aftermarket and copycat High Std mags. Its a trial and error thing and a lot depends on ammunition choice. Surprisingly, what worked (s) best for me in my 70s HS is CCI Mini-Mag, Green Tag, and Winchester 'Wildcat'.

That has nothing to do with Mitchell, but maybe it could be of some help.

Eley Pistol Match was an exercise in futility.

Don't know anything about the Mitchell banner HS copys.

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Bought one of these in 2011. Saw it new in a shop here in town, owner let me try it before buying.
Fired 5 rounds. Bought it, it's crazy accurate.
A few months later I show this to a friend who says that the man who assembled this particular pistol now works for him and we should get together.
I take it to the guy, who says he did in fact make this piece, and began to let me in on the short commings of the Patucek Mitchell.
Long story short, he takes it home, re-fits all the problem pieces with later production properly heat treated stuff, fits an extra 7 1/4 inch barrel, with both counter weights, front sight and a scope mount correct for the Patucek gun, and fits and tunes 5 extra mags. Also autographed the underside of the left grip panl for posterity.
Pistol shoots 40 grain lead, 36 grain CCI, and all ather quality ammo witout a hiccup. Had it out yesterday at the indoor range and did a 50 shot 25 yard group that measured 1 1/4 wid by 2.5 high, offhand. Gun shoots same point of aim with the 5 1/2 and 7 1/4 barrel, and switching between the two results in no change is zero.

Finally found a handgun that makes me look good :)


New member
Mitchell and High Standard had a copyright infringement issue, forcing Mitchell out.

Didn't Mitchell work for High Standard at one time?

Also, did the "problems" carry over to the Stoegers when they started selling them?