Missouri Governor's Escapades

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New member
If you are a Missouri resident renewing your driver's license or state ID card or CCW, the MO Dept of Revenue with the full knowledge of our current Dem Governor and his appointed director of the Dept of Revenue:eek:

They will require you to provide your birth certificate or passport, proof of your residence (through paid personal property tax), and take your new photo. These documents will be shared with U.S. Homeland security. All of these actions are violations of Missouri law but I guess the Governor doesn't think the law applies to him.:confused::rolleyes:

Here is a link to an article that can explain the situation far better than I.

Now, while this only affects Missourians right now, it is important to all gun owners in the U.S. as Gov Nixon's name is being bantered around as a possible member of the next Democratic Presidential ticket.


New member
There's as yet no solid proof that the info is being shared with DHS. The company making the IDs does have tight ties to the fed.gov, but the MO Department of Revenue claims the information is kept in Jefferson City for a while before being destroyed.


New member
It's not just MO. I just renewed my NJ driver's license, and for the photo, there's no glasses allowed and no smiling because it distorts the facial recognition scanner. I'm not surprised if NJ shares this info with any federal authority. As far as any concealed carry permit in NJ....pfft...fuggetaboutit.

Evan Thomas

New member
According to this report from St. Louis Public Radio:
...[T]he Senate Appropriations Committee issued a subpoena ordering Revenue officials to hand over all documentation related to the practice, in order to determine if the agency is sharing information with the federal government or a third-party entity.
Revenue Director Brian Long recently told a State House committee that his agency is not sharing information from scanned documents with the federal government, and that they began the practice as a means of combatting fraud.
So, while it's true that IDs, etc., are being scanned, there's as yet no evidence that the information is being passed on to anyone.

When there's documentation such practices, they'll be worth discussing. Feel free to start a new thread when there's some evidence; but as long as this is just rumor, whether in MO or NJ, there's nothing to talk about.
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