Missing KABA thread

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Navy joe

New member
Today member Jim March posted a thread to let us know that all of his content previously found on member Angel Shamaya's website KABA would now be moved and found on Jim's site. http://www.ninehundred.com/~equalccw . The thread disappeared. I don't mean the usual I got retarded and forgot where to find it, I mean I searched both Jim's and my own post history( I posted a reply). It's not there, gone, deleted.

Now I'm not going to cry free speech since I understand completely that this is Rich's private home on the cyber-range, but I do find this very contrary to the standard practices of TFL as well as it's goals of promoting gun rights. Usually threads are locked so we can all see the error of other's ways and not do the same, in fact some moderators have said they are loathe to delete threads. This is also contrary to Rich's goal of being the biggest archived mess of firearms trivia anywhere. I can't tell you how fun it is to go to tread #1 and start reading.

Best I can assume is that the thread was deleted to protect/help Angel and that Jim and perhaps myself are personas non grata here now. Neither one of us violated any TFL policy in our posts, both had lengthy discussions of our experiences with KABA and our leeriness of continued association. View count was in the 70's when I posted, now of course no one knows what was said because it's gone.

In short, Jim is leaving KABA because he feels that Angel's recent assault on the NRA is damaging to the cause of gun rights. I had noticed the same trend recently and was very disappointed. Over the past year I think I've put about 120.00 bucks into KABA, not much, but a lot of money by my stds. I am getting a sizable bonus soon and the debate was always what org to get a life membership to first. A few months ago I would have had no problems sending a thousand bucks to KABA provided I could get some assurance that KABA would be there for a lifetime and had a solid plan for future action. I cannot do that now. There are too many things for gunowners to do than battle each other and Angel seems to have initiated a one man charge of the Light Brigade right into the center of the NRA.

Yes the NRA is far from perfect. Still, I believe they are friends of gunowners. Even if you do not think so, consider them at least the enemy of your enemy, more unholy alliances have existed. Angel's strident rhetoric against them is sure to scare any new visitor to his site away for good, possibly even from the gun rights movement altogether. Like I said in the post that vanished, I'm pretty hardcore pro-gun, and if the tough talk has run me off, what would it do to one of the 80 some million non politically active gun owners?

In closing, Angel runs a organization with the potential to be an effective gun rights fighting unit. If he has reached the personal point where votes and words must be surpassed by deeds, then he owes it to his members to pass the reins to someone else who can build on what he founded. The Feds got Bob Stewart's customer list, I would assume that if Angel gets much more radical they may end up with his, and I figure anything that moves me up the door to door priority list is tactically unsound for me to be involved with. Perhaps Jim can elaborate on this if this post sticks around. I am saddened to see that when we begin to discuss something more important than 9mm vs. .45 the debate is suppressed.

-Sad KABA member,
French C. Grimes

Bud Helms

Senior Member
An Explanation ...

Navy joe is partly correct. The thread was deleted. Something we are loathe to do at TFL, for the very reason Joe stated … it’s part of the history here. This seemed to be a slightly different case, though and it was this moderator’s call to delete the thread. It wasn’t deleted to protect Angel. It was deleted because 1) TFL doesn’t cotton to people calling each other out for a shootout in our living room and 2) even though we dissent among ourselves (that is, the RKBA community) no purpose is served by going at each other in public. Remember, the forums here are PUBLIC. Jim March’s post won’t be restored, but this one will be left for viewing.

Now that everyone’s curiousity is peaked about Jim March’s post, let me say that Navy joe got the essence of it. Jim has moved his content to his own site because he does not agree with Angel’s style of promoting RKBA. Angel is very dedicated, very in-your-face at times and very loyal to the principles on which this country was founded. Make no mistake about his patriotism. I will not launch a defense of his tactics or style. That is for each of us to decide. Go to KABA and judge for yourself.

I made a decision that the original thread had more flame potential than anything else and was beyond TFL policy to tolerate. That’s it.

As you might imagine, I hope it is a long while before I delete another thread.

- sensop
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