Missing front sight

Joe the Redneck

New member
I have an Uberti Bisley SA. The front sight came off a few years ago, never to bee seen again. So I just put the thing up.

I have decided it's time to get it sorted. I have crafted another sight blade that fits the slot.

It is my understanding these thing are generally a "press fit", naturally I haven't the equipment or skill for that.

I've tried various adhesives, J+B Weld to krazy glue. Naturally, they didn't work. Didn't think they would, but i had to try.

I have considered trying to soldier it in place. Give the surfaces a good cleaning with acteone, Heat the blade with a low flame till I can melt some soft solder and let let the heat draw it in. The only solder experience I've had is with electronics, so I would try a on scrap a few times.

Before I try this, I'd like to know if this is viable.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated. If this is a job I shouldn't tackle, that's fine. I just don't want to give up too early.

Bill DeShivs

New member
A press fit sight can generally be (gently) hammered in place.
I would let a professional solder it if that is the route you choose.


New member
+1 what Bill said. Once upon a time I thought I practiced enough to silver solder a front sight I cut and fashioned out of a nickle. It has stayed in place... but it looks plain awful. No, I won't have it fixed and done right because it stays there to remind me that sometimes I don't know as much as I think I do. Have a pro do it.

Joe the Redneck

New member
Seems like sound wisdom.

If I can find a smith round here, I may just have a dovetail cut and settle the matter once and for all. Be nice to have a drift adj. front sight anyway.

Jim Watson

New member
That is a plan.
I know H. Bowen does that on his high priced spread.
I once saw an old beat up SAA in a small western town museum with a Marble's Ivory Bead dovetailed in.