Misleading Gun Article Title


60,000-Round Test
Taurus' New
Picture of the New Taurus 24/7 OSS/DS below.

Cool, John thinks--a 60K round test. That should be interesting. Reads article...

Oops. No single gun had more than 10K rounds put through it.

Oops. Most of the ammo wasn't shot through the new Taurus at all. 30K of the rounds went downrange "about 3 years ago"--not through the NEW 24/7 OSS/DS but through the original 24/7--10K rounds in each test gun. 20K of the rounds went downrange about 2 years ago--again, not through the NEW 24/7 OSS/DS but through the 24/7 PRO--again 10K rounds in each test gun.

Which leaves only 10K of the 60K claimed rounds that actually went through the NEW 24/7 OSS/DS.

So what we have is a recap of some tests done years ago on earlier models and a 10K round test of the NEW Taurus. But that's ok, we'll get some useful information anyway. Right?

Guess what. All 6 guns performed "flawlessly". Yup, you heard it. 60K downrange through 6 guns and not a single malfunction or parts breakage--no issues of ANY KIND.

But WAIT. What's this? Later in the article we learn more about the testing results. "...shooting 500 rounds a day, four sessions each day, not stressing the gun by letting it get too hot. (Gee, that's nice of him--we wouldn't want him stressing the gun by shooting more than 125 rounds in a single session or letting it get too hot.) I track how long it takes to dirty up and start misfiring, then I clean it."

Apparently, operating "flawlessly" doesn't preclude misfires. Wonder what other kinds of malfunctions are allowed? Still later in the article we read that the author dropped the gun in sand. "After racking the slide an blowing the bore clean, sufficient dry grit remained to prevent the slide from completely closing." After two failures he got the gun working by dropping the mag and squirting a "liberal amount" of lube "into the chamber and slide/breech area".

So failure to feed is also apparently allowed in the definition of "flawless".

Well, John thinks. That WAS interesting and I DID learn something. But not so much about the gun as about the writer...


New member
Holy crap....its either Newspeak, or reading between the lines :rolleyes:. Great job spotting this nonsense, and exposing it!

These days I trust forum range reports much more than gunzine tests.


New member
Picture of the New Taurus 24/7 OSS/DS below.

Cool, John thinks--a 60K round test. That should be interesting. Reads article...

Oops. No single gun had more than 10K rounds put through it.

Oops. Most of the ammo wasn't shot through the new Taurus at all. 30K of the rounds went downrange "about 3 years ago"--not through the NEW 24/7 OSS/DS but through the original 24/7--10K rounds in each test gun. 20K of the rounds went downrange about 2 years ago--again, not through the NEW 24/7 OSS/DS but through the 24/7 PRO--again 10K rounds in each test gun.

This is great. What gun mag had this "test" in it?