Misc Questions...


New member
Misc Questions...(taurus)

1) I am looking for a holster for my 24/7. It is not for concealed carry, more for walking around the woods. Anyone help me, dont know what to look for?

2) I need to cleen my gun for the first time. Anywhere I can go to find some directions? I have never cleaned one before so I'm lost.

3) I shot my gun for the first time this weekend and was shooting low at 10 yards. I moved to 32 yards and was shooting great. Can anyone figure this out? Opperator error? What am I doing?

4) I have seen refrence to "clean burning" rounds. What are these? Do they burn cleaner? If so, what brands and rounds?

THANKS as always for the replies guys!
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New member
2 more:

5) Can the trigger be changed on the 24/7? Is it possible to take to a gunsmith and get it "reworked"? What is an average cost of this?

6) Can different sights be fitted to this gun? I'm not quite fond of the sights on it, 1 dot front sight, 1 dot rear sight. How much would average cost be to have a gunsmith install new sights? Im not looking for fiber optics or anything.

Thanks again!
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Question #3: Since the gun is a double action only, you are likely pulling the muzzle of the gun down almost imperceptibly toward the end of the long trigger pull. But maybe not, because I don't know why you'd be on at 30+ yds if you were doing that, unless you're concentrating more at the longer distance.

Question #4: yes, rounds like WinClean (from Winchester) are supposed to be cleaner in your gun. I want to say that the primers are free of lead styphnate also, which makes them a little harder to ignite, but easier on the environment & your lungs. They are TMJ also so the lead doesn't dissolve & lead your bore. But beyond winclean, some powders (& brands) burn cleaner than others, as far as fouling in the gun.


New member
I'm sorry,
My 24/7 is the PRO version. It was in single action when shooting. It has a long(soft) pull until the end where it is a nice crisp break.


New member
Do you have the manual for your gun? It should have instructions for cleaning in there.

I would advise sticking with your stock trigger for a while longer. Give it a good 300-400 rounds to get good and settled, and get you used to it.

Cleaner rounds change performance about as much as switching ammo brands does. Like Winchester vs Federal; in theory they are identical. In practice, there is some small difference. The only way to know is to shoot and find out.

As to the sights, call and ask your local gunsmith, sights tend to be pretty easy.


New member
Then take it apart and clean all the black gunk off of the parts, wipe the solvent off, oil lightly, and reassemble