Minnesota Statute Question, CC


New member
I have been struggling over this subdivision (24) for some time, trying to figure out what , "Except under authority of other law" would mean.
Predatory offenders. Except when acting under the authority of other law, it is a 
misdemeanor for a person required to register by section 243.166 to carry a pistol whether or not 
the carrier possesses a permit to carry issued under this section. If an action prohibited by this 
subdivision is also a violation of another law, the violation may be prosecuted under either law.

The Statute No. is 624.714 http://ros.leg.mn/bin/getpub.php?pubtype=STAT_CHAP_SEC&year=2006&section=624.714
and 624.7141,2&3. However this doesn't cover all aspects of the law as it is splintered up in other Statutes, like the MN 609.66 Dangerous weapons on school property.


New member
From: "BCA PermitToCarry" <Bca.Permittocarry@state.mn.us>
Subject: RE: Statutes
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 13:02:28 -0600
To: <>

I asked the BCA this same question, as i have had it asked of me several times. This is the response i was given.
(I highlighted the area)

Subd. 24. Predatory offenders. "Except when acting under

the authority of other law".

It would refer to other areas in the law that would allow a predatory offender who must register to carry a gun. Legal counsel could not think of any and could not find any. It might just be a catchall. There may be a time when the offender could carry a gun under federal law or some other exception. This is all the information we have.