Minnesota Permit to Purchase, Help!!


New member
I bought a pistol (SIG 229, Thanks Wildalaska! :cool:) about a month ago. I jumped through the necessary hoops and filled out my application for Permit to Purchase a Handgun (I believe this is the same as a Transferee Permit) over three weeks ago. As far as I can tell from reading Minnesota statute 624.7131


they are supposed to grant or deny you a permit within seven days. I don't know for certain if this is the same permit as mentioned in this statute; it is not for a one time transfer, its a permit valid for one year. I have called after 10 business days, which is what they told me to do if I hadn't received my permit by then. The lady at gun permits said "They were waiting to hear back from a couple of agencies". I have since called back twice and gotten the same response (most recent was yesterday) and was assured she would send these agencies (other police depts) a letter.

Here's where my BIG concern lies : While talking to this lady I told her I thought they were supposed to be processed in ten days - she said no. I asked her how long it generally takes, she said a couple or few weeks if you've ever lived outside of St Paul or have a criminal record (Ive never lived outside Ramsey county, and have no criminal record -never even been charged with anything). I asked her how long it can take and she flipped through some applications she had "in process" and said she had some FROM FOUR MONTHS AGO!!!!

Does anyone have experiences like this with this state or St Paul specifically?
Can they even do this legally?
Should I / can I just go to the dealer where my gun is just sitting, waiting for this stupid permit, and apply for a transferee permit (one time transfer permit); I think I have read the police have to approve or deny this within five or seven days - and no reply I believe default to an approval.

I am going crazy waiting for this G** ***n permit to show up and to pick this thing up.

Any advice or info will be greatly appreciated.


New member
That's the right statute. By state law the police department/sheriff's office has 7 days of receipt to either accept/deny the application. I moved from California to Minnesota (Isanti county) this past June (never lived in Minnesota beforehand). I applied for the permit to purchase my first week here and had it 4 days later. It only took 7 days to receive my CCW. Did you get your receipt / last page of the application signed by the sheriff's office? If so, take that along with a print out of the statute to sheriff's office and have them explain to you why it's taking longer than 7 days. Good luck!


New member
You are correct on your understanding of the statute. It is odd that it is taking so long - I had my permit in hand 5 days after application in Rochester, MN.


New member
I always get mine in a few days (maybe four or five). Take that statute down to wherever and cram it down somebody's maw. They're being dorks about it for some reason.


New member
For any and every Minnesota question, you may want to go to the preeminant Minnesota gun forum, www.mnguntalk.com , and ask there. You will definitely find experts on any question you could possibly have there! Great guys, great gun forum, and lots and lots of expertise.