Minnesota is in trouble!


New member
Fellow Minnesotans, please email your representatives and let them know you stand against this bill being introduced in the MN House!

Article about the bill: https://www.twincities.com/2018/02/...-house-and-sponsor-may-try-to-prompt-hearing/

From the article:
The House bill would:

- Expand the definition of an “assault weapon” to include many semiautomatic pistols, rifles or shotguns and makes possessing them a felony, with the exception of some that were legally registered before February 2018. Those owning a grandfathered assault weapon must undergo a background check, renew their registration annually, and use them only on their property or at a shooting range. Such weapons could not be sold or transferred, only surrendered to law enforcement for destruction.
- Ban private gun sales, or the transfer of firearms between family members or through inheritance; all sales and transfers could only go through licensed dealers. Such sales and transfers would have a two-day waiting period. A record of all gun transfers would be filed with the county.
- Make possessing bump stocks, silencers and many “large capacity” magazines — which hold more than ten rounds — a felony.
Require all ammunition to be purchased from a licensed dealer, and require a record of all sales for three years.
- Make it illegal for people who owe court-ordered child support to own firearms.

Find out who represents you on a state level: https://www.gis.leg.mn/iMaps/districts/


New member
Fellow Minnesotans, please email your representatives and let them know you stand against this bill being introduced in the MN House!

Article about the bill: https://www.twincities.com/2018/02/...-house-and-sponsor-may-try-to-prompt-hearing/

From the article:
The House bill would:

- Expand the definition of an “assault weapon” to include many semiautomatic pistols, rifles or shotguns and makes possessing them a felony, with the exception of some that were legally registered before February 2018. Those owning a grandfathered assault weapon must undergo a background check, renew their registration annually, and use them only on their property or at a shooting range. Such weapons could not be sold or transferred, only surrendered to law enforcement for destruction.
- Ban private gun sales, or the transfer of firearms between family members or through inheritance; all sales and transfers could only go through licensed dealers. Such sales and transfers would have a two-day waiting period. A record of all gun transfers would be filed with the county.
- Make possessing bump stocks, silencers and many “large capacity” magazines — which hold more than ten rounds — a felony.
Require all ammunition to be purchased from a licensed dealer, and require a record of all sales for three years.
- Make it illegal for people who owe court-ordered child support to own firearms.

Find out who represents you on a state level: https://www.gis.leg.mn/iMaps/districts/

I've seen this also on Youtube. This proposed Minnesota law makes states like California and New York look like free states :( I'd wager the 2nd Amendment parts of it would largely survive court challenges but the 4th Amendment parts of it may not...


New member
Looks like they are wildly over-reaching. Disarmed for allegedly owing support? How does depriving a person of a right unrelated to the issue make sense?


New member
I'm glad you started this thread.

I wonder though if this whack job (although an elected official) is putting this stuff out there so the "compromise" can be all the other stuff they're trying to get. There are two other bills going to be voted on.

Like suing somebody for a hundred gazillion dollars so they'll settle for more than the $20 you really deserve.


New member
I'm in the Twin Cities and WCCO (a 'respected' TV station) checked out the claim that in Minnesota, guns kill more people than opiods or cars.
Here's the numbers:

Total deaths in Minnesota in 2016: 43,050
Total deaths due to guns: 432
Total deaths due to opiods: 395
Total deaths due to car accidents: 392

The report said that 332 of the gun deaths were suicide. (77%).

WCCO said the claim, guns kill more people than opiods or cars was TRUE.

My bias is obvious but I think the 432 number is designed to make people afraid of guns but when 332 are suicides...

Should WCCO rated the claim TRUE?

BTW don't think MN is a lousy place to live because of the suicide rate. No lesser authority than USA Today ranked MN as the SECOND best state to live in right behind Iowa.


New member
Well if anybody is interested the Minnesota bill is HF 3022.
Authors listed are:
Slocum ; Lee ; Wagenius ; Bernardy ; Clark ; Bly ; Hornstein ; Applebaum

Although the chief architect of the bill is Linda Slocum, Minnesota Representative from Richfield, MN, a suburb of the Twin Cities.

The bill is given little chance of passage and is one of the 'do something' pieces of legislation. This one does a LOT and most folk consider it too radical and over reaching.

You can read about the bill here:

You can read the actual bill here (warning: legalize and maybe not for the faint of heart)


New member
Thanks Dale!

Yeah it flopped pretty hard, as expected. There was a pretty large turnout (or so I read) and not surprisingly a lot of emotions.


New member
Just to clarify things, there were two 'moderate' Bills pushed into a hearing by Rep. Dave Pinto.

1. Bill HF 1605, which would allow the confiscation of guns if folks thought you were a danger to yourself or others.
2. Bill HF 1669 which was about background checks.

Both bills were tabled rather than pushed onto the next step of the legislative process which disappointed the folks favoring more gun restrictions.

Bill HF 3022 by Linda Slocum is the incredibly over reaching bill that would affect owning 'assault weapons' and hi-cap magazines. If the two 'moderate' bills failed to move on I can't imagine this one going any place.

If you want to see the MN legislature (well a committee of it) in action the video is listed below. A very, very good explanation of people's rights is presented by Libertarian Cara Schulz starting at the one hour two minute (1:02) mark. This was in response to HF 1605.

Also the author of the bills HF 1605 and HF 1699 taken to task rather severely by fellow Representative Marion O'Neill at the one hour thirteen minute (1:13) mark.
