Minn CCW


Recieved from my brother in MN

Fell two votes short in the minnesota senate - passed the house. Our state
senate needs some house cleaning.


New member
Correction was nerver voted on. The admendments that watered it down were voted on and they were approved something like 34-32 but the author of the CC bill removed the bill from the floor of the Senate because of the admenment they were trying to tack on. The admendment would have made CC worse than it is now.

Look for it again next year. It's also an election year next year. ohhh goodie!

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I sincerely and fervently wish Parkinson's disease on the elected vermin who derailed the effort this year.

[Edited by Oleg Volk on 05-16-2001 at 06:50 PM]


New member
Well, you folks got close. Was there a grassroots group that was working on this? If so, can somebody put me in touch with them for advice?



New member
The grassroots group is CCRN(Concealed Carry Reform Now) and you can find out more at http://www.mnccrn.org


PS My REPUBLICAN senator voted against me, so guess what my mission in politics is now. SHE MUST BE REMOVED for this vote, even if replaced by a Dem.


New member
I emailed my senator, but he was a DFL'er from Hopkins (I blame you Oleg...).

The MN Senate has too many RINOs.