Mini-strut plus?


New member
I was thinking that if one of you guys that make struts for the mini could design one that integrated a muzzle brake as one of front braces.

being that there are limited choices for a muzzle brake for the new mini's, this would be an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

something to ponder.


New member
What he said- I'm currently saving up to have my barrel threaded. Its an 18.5" model so I'm also gonna have em' cut 2 1/4" off and recrown. IMO with the heavier contour barrel and it being so short, I'm not going to need a strut. I don't have one on either mini, but have considered trying. Not sure how beneficial they are for 580 series though.


New member
Not needed? My Factory Tactical sure seems to like its Mo-Rod...


New member
Well, since I bought it specifically to fit it with a Mo-Rod, I never fired it without the barrel stabilizer installed. It was my first chance to really fit the newer tapered barrel with clamps in the shop, as no one near me has had a tapered barrel for me to observe in person. We were doing fine with just the barrel specs, but there's nothing like having the rifle on the bench in front of you. I have a red dot on this Mini-14 (no magnification), but it was still giving nice 2-inch groups for me at 80 yards, even when warmed up after successive firing. Someone with better eyesight would likely do a little better. Having the rod is also handy for mounting a tac light...


New member
nice pictures, most strut pictures I've seen you don't get that good of a view.
You can really see how it looks on the gun.

Threading the barrel does seem like the best option right now, I only found one brake for the new mini and a lot of reviews are saying that it shoots lose.


New member
That seems to be a good brake. looks like threading is the only good option currently. I was hoping to find a pin on, but no luck.

I am not going to rush it, i don't really want to alter the barrel but there are alot of options out there with the threaded barrel,... so i'll have to consider it some more.


New member
What I don't like about the pin-on types is that they usually incorporate the front sight into the brake. If it rattles loose, you have no front sight. Just my thoughs on the subject. Its not all that much extra just to have it threaded and be done with it, imo.


New member
I've heard of the cheaper NCStar type coming loose, but if Choate or John Masen should come out with one, they should fit pretty well.