Mini Range Report: .308 NDM-86 & 1P21 @ 1,200m


New member
A couple of days ago I found a nice piece of BLM land to really stretch the legs of my NDM-86/1P21 combo. I picked out a likely-looking light-colored spot (appx 4' wide & 3' tall) on a hillside and ranged it w/my LRF by walking most of the way out and ranging to both the hillside and back to my car (which is an excellent laser reflector). Range came to be 1,280m from my car to the spot I picked out so I set up 80m closer towards the target to make my range 1,200m.
Now, previous experience w/the 1P21 & Georgia Arms 168gr match sighted in at 500m showed a need to hold low at longer ranges due to the trajectory difference between the 1P21's 7.62x54 BDC & .308 168gr match ammo. I guesstimated I'd need to back off appx 50m to hit dead-on with the extreme range chevron's on the 1P21's reticle (meant for 1,000m, 1,100m, 1,200m & 1,300m shooting). So, instead of setting the reticle to 900m/9x I set it to 850m/8.5x and held dead-on.
I hit low, a few feet below my aiming point (?). I reset the reticle to 900m/9x and tried again and hit dead-on at 1,200m! I fired another 8rds and all either hit or missed slightly to the left (very slight breeze but at 1,200m it has lots of time to work on a bullet in flight).
I'm very pleased that the NDM-86/1P21 combo can hit that far out (right at 3/4 of a mile, furthest distance I've ever shot at) but that's pushing the reticle to its limit as at 9x magnification I can barely make out & use the 1,200m chevron, the 1,300m chevron can't be seen at all. At 1,200m I'd say the NDM-86/1P21 combo is definitely a threat but not deadly (further practice/testing at that range may change that impression).
As for why the 1,200m chevron is dead-on when I was expecting it to be off by 50m or so I don't have an exact answer. Perhaps the trajectories re-coincide at 1,200m or perhaps my removing then remounting the 1P21 has thrown my elevation off just a bit (I'll have to re-test the 500m sight-in at the range later this week).
Regardless, I'm very pleased w/the performance of the .308 NDM-86/1P21 combo at all ranges.


New member
UPDATE: I retested my 500m zero after removing then reattaching the 1P21 and as far as I can tell the zero hasn't shifted at all! The 18" 500m gong was easy and the repetitive and continuous hits (24 total) started to become monotonous! ;)
So, I ran out to the BLM land where I fired another 36rds at my 1,200m target area (which when measured w/the 1P21 rangefinder turns out to be about 1m x .5m in size). This time, however, the wind was gusting continuously from my 7:30 up to appx 10mph. At 1,200m the wind has a lot of time to work on the bullet so while I did get a few hits by using the horizontal windage marks to compensate (not as many as I'd like) most of my shots were off to the right, at times as much as 8m! It was also interesting to note that when the wind was gusting the most the bullet would hit high by about .5m or so, evidently the wind was giving the bullet a little help along the way!