Mini-30 Ten Round Mag


New member
Anyone know where I might find a ten round mag spring for a 582 series Mini-30 or something compatible. I have searched the net and can only find springs for the Mini-14. One site listed a five round mag spring that fit both the Mini-14 and Mini-30. I am a little suspicious of that. I was thinking I could cut down a twenty round mag to fit but I have not been able to locate any of those either. Mine popped out in the woods. I found the bottom plate but not the spring. I would appreciate any info on the matter. FYI, I may post this same question on a few different forums.


New member
I would not expect there to be any difference in the spring between Mini-14 and Mini-30 magazines.

You don't mention how the magazine came apart such that you have to find the spring, but if you didn't disassemble it and it came apart in the rifle I might suggest replacing the magazine completely as that would be a suspect magazine to me. Was it a factory Ruger magazine?


New member
Thank you for the response. Yes it was a factory magazine. The only thing I can come up with is operator error....:rolleyes:
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New member
Have you called ruger? they could tell you whether it was the same spring or not, and sell you the right one if need be.


New member
Yes I called Ruger. The CSR said they do not sell mag parts and she also said she did not have access to the information as to whether the Mini-14 and Mini-30 mag springs were interchangeable. She did say that I could send it back. I am not going to do that because they have already replaced it once. I just wanted to see if I could find a spring for the empty mag body so I could get it back into working order. I had exhausted all of my option as far as finding a spring. Hence my question. Not a big deal though. Ruger did good by replacing the mag with the lost spring. I will put the original in the extra parts bin.


New member
They're close in size to 7.62x39 ak mags, if not modeled after them. Maybe buy a C grade rusty com-bloc mag off APEX or something and see if it fits. Or a 10 round Tapco.