Mini 30 Tactical (Today started good)


New member
Hit the range for the first time with my new rifle (bought new at gunshow this last weekend).

Fired three rounds of Sellior and Bellot and five rounds of Silver Bear two different ruger 20rd mags. All 8 cases failed to eject.

Called Ruger on the way home and they emailed a shipping label.

Called UPS (customer center) and asked what the procedure was.
Lady told me not to package the rifle they would take care of it at the customer center (along with printing out the label).

Arrived at UPS, left the rifle in car, informed the counter person I would be bringing in a rifle (open without magazine). Went back outside and brought the rifle back lady informs me she has NO boxes to package it.

Left with rifle, went about 5 blocks to Acadamy and asked at the gun counter if they had a box. They gave me a box from the back and I returned to UPS.

Walked in with rifle and box at which point the clerk informed me the police had just left. She told me the police had received a call from a hysterical woman about a man with a gun leaving a UPS store we all kinda laughed it off.

Another clerk helped package the rifle (had to break down the rifle to fit in box) at which point they told me they couldnt print out the label. So I had to drive home (Approx 30 minutes each way) to print out label.

Drove back and dropped off rifle.

the rifleer

New member
That really sucks man. Ruger will make it right. They have quick service. I'm curious what caused it because there isn't a whole lot to go wrong with that rifle.

50 shooter

New member
Please keep us up to date, my brother bought the same rifle even after I told him not to. I told him he had a short memory span, he had one (mini 14) blow up in his face when we were kids. That and another friend had his bolt face fly out of his and needed major surgery from Ruger to fix it.


New member
I just got the email from UPS that they wont have the rifle to Ruger until Wednesday 9/26.

Im not a gunsmith at all but, if I had to guess I think it might be the recoil spring or the bolts getting caught somwhere approx 3/4 of the way back.

These are just guesses but, I will definately keep everyone updated.


New member
Yes I took it apart after the second round didnt eject (removed barrel assembly and trigger group from stock) turned barrel/bolt assembly over oiled a little and worked the slide a bunch of times to see if the bolt was getting caught by anything. I did noticed that the bolt was kinda lagging a little about 3/4 of the way back but, I just had to pull a little harder.

My thinking was it should be a smooth pull all the way to the back? This lag was only noticed when the bolt was pulled back slowly. I couldnt tell if I worked the bolt with any kind of authority. And the bolt was stuck at the same spot as the lag every time I fired.

Regardless, I think (cant be sure) that either the spring is too strong or something is hitting something else that I wasnt seeing ( Im sure the bolt is worked ALOT faster firing then I can manually work it) or an extractor problem. I have no idea how to fix those problems so back to the factory seemed like the best idea.


New member
too bad

Steel cased ammo has a bad rep in Mini's, as a rule. My early Mini-30 has seen a good bit of it before brass cased ammo was common, with no trouble. Now, the steel case stuff goes in the AK and the Mini gets brass case.

"Fail to eject" is a pretty specific description. Suspect immediately is the condition of the ejector.

Either way, if it is mechanical, Ruger will make it right. Run quality ammo to reduce variables in future.


New member
Ya, the first two rounds I fired were brass cased Sellior & Bellot.

It probably was a gunshow problem gun but, oh well Ive heard good things about Ruger CS so all its costing me is time and a little inconvience (so far).

BTW, I just received the email from UPS that the rifle was delivered to them at 10:30am on 09/26/2012. I will keep everyone updated.


New member
Stick with it and don't let the "nay-sayers" knock you around for your gun selection. I have the Mini-30 Tac and so far have absolutely NO complaints. Took it plinking last weekend for the first time using Golden Bear ammo and not a hiccup. Just ordered the Fastfire III w/ mount for it so I can take out some piggies down here. Gun felt great, lightweight and easy to sling, minimal kick. Just have to get used to the sights.


New member

I received an email from UPS on 10/01/2012 with a tracking # for the return of my rifle. The estimated delivery date is 10/10/2012 (end of day).

I called Ruger on 10/02 just to ask what was wrong with it. After a looooooooooong hold I was disconnected. I was called back about 30 minutes later with an apology for the disconnection. The lady informed me that the rifle had shipped and that the bolt and "some other stuff" (her exact words) were replaced. She also told me that the pakage would contain a detailed list of what was fixed and that the rifle was test fired and functioned normally.


New member
I've had little problems with every Ruger firearm I've ever had except for my 22/45 and MK Is & IIs Ranging from missing pins to weak springs....Ruger VERY promptly handled every issue with the utmost courtesy and after the first occurrence with each gun..they have functioned flawlessly.


New member

Received my Mini 30 back yesterday 10/10/2012 @ 5:00 pm.

The invoice states:
New bolt complete and repaired slide.
Repair, Saftey function check and test firing have been completed. Released for shipping.

A second slip of paper (same width as front sheet but, only 2 inches long) was stapled to the back of the invoice stated:

Foreign Ammo
Please be advised that we do not recommend the use of imported ammunition, as it may be corrosive to your rifle. The foreign surplus ammunition may also cause the gun to misfire or mis-feed and in extreme cases can cause the firing pin to break.
We do not recommend the use of steel cased ammunition in the Mini. Steel cased ammunition in any rifle can cause bore damage and the lacquer finish can start coating the chamber causing extraction/ejection problems.

Gave rifle a good cleaning today.

I will be going to the range on Saturday 10/12/2012 to test fire the hell out of this rifle and will update after.


New member

Good to hear you got your rifle back. I'm a fan of the Mini-30, as stated prior, my early model's been no trouble. Put yoiur new one on paper and report back.

Father Time

New member
We do not recommend the use of steel cased ammunition in the Mini. Steel cased ammunition in any rifle can cause bore damage and the lacquer finish can start coating the chamber causing extraction/ejection problems.

Bull corn!
Unless their barrels are just as soft a steel as the cartrage caseing (they are not) it will tear up the caseing long before it will do damage to a bore. Unless you have a overloaded round that bulges the bore (not likely with steel cased ammo either as it is usualy a mild loading)

Did you tell them what kind of ammo you used? Sliver Bear is zinc coated not lacquer.


New member
We do not recommend the use of steel cased ammunition in the Mini. Steel cased ammunition in any rifle can cause bore damage and the lacquer finish can start coating the chamber causing extraction/ejection problems.

Bull corn!
Unless their barrels are just as soft a steel as the cartrage caseing (they are not) it will tear up the caseing long before it will do damage to a bore. Unless you have a overloaded round that bulges the bore (not likely with steel cased ammo either as it is usualy a mild loading)

Did you tell them what kind of ammo you used? Sliver Bear is zinc coated not lacquer.

I wouldn't be so quick to say bull corn. On an individual basis the cases most likely do take more abuse, but every time you fire it's a fresh case being fed into the same old bore. The affects would be cumulative over the course of time and eventually the bore may indeed suffer.


New member
Please be advised that we do not recommend the use of imported ammunition, as it may be corrosive to your rifle. The foreign surplus ammunition may also cause the gun to misfire or mis-feed and in extreme cases can cause the firing pin to break.

This would concern me more than the steel cases tearing up the bore. This is the first I've seen that Ruger actually states the ammo may be the cause of broken firing pins. The problem with the broken firing pins is the rifle needs to go back to Ruger to have a new pin fit to the bolt. I imagine you'd have to shoot a lot of steel cased ammo to destroy the bore of a Mini-30. Anyway I hope the rifle's all better now.



New member

Well I finally got to shoot my rifle today and had the opposite experience from the last time. (day started bad but, got better)

Let me start off by saying that I didnt change any of the ammo I used the first time. Brass cased Sellior & Bellot and Silver Bear both soft points.

First, I was late to the range (redoing kitchen and tile guy was late).
Get to the range and forgot cash. Go to the nearest gas station and after a total of @ $5.00 in fees I head back (my fault but, frustrating). Get to the range and it was packed (not a problem really but, I prefer less people).

So I set up at 50yds and load a mag of the S&B. First shot misses target entirely but, ejects case. Second, third, etc do the same ( this is me aiming every where way left, high and low all standing because it was busy and no sandbags were left). The 10th, and 11th rds cases didnt eject, switched to Silverbear and after the entire 20rds no problems except I couldnt hit anything,

Finally get to sit with the sandbags and still cant hit anything. So after about 3rds I finally adjusted the sight all the way to the left. First shot hit bullseye, second shot hit bullseye. I stood up and fired the rest of the mag (15 rds) and finished the rest of the S&B mag from earlier (9rds). All hit in the area of a paper plate.

Fired off two more mags of the Silverbear and two more of the S&B with no problems and all shots hit the target in the area of a paper plate. At this point the barrel was HOT so I stopped and finished the day shooting my XDM.