Mini 30 Owners - What Kind Of Groups At 100?


New member
Time to buy a semi-auto rifle with all this mayhem going on. Although I've had a Mini 14 Ranch in the past and a standard Mini 14 and would never, EVER go there again, I'm somewhat smitten with the Mini 30 idea.

Of course, if I had more money, I'd just forget this and get an Ar-15, but I'm somewhat limited financially and probably can only afford a Mini.

So does the .30 have the same horrible accuracy that the .223 has? Mine grouped like a bad slug gun, maybe 6 - 8 - 10 inches at 100 yds. for scoped, 5-shot groups.

I'm not talking about rattling off a clip, either, just normal semi-auto fire from a bench, maybe 2-3 seconds between shots. I'm not going to buy a semi-auto if I have to wait 5 minutes between shots for the barrel to cool.

So, given this style of shooting, how has your Mini 30 done? Do you shoot Wolf in it? Handloads?

Can't get any solid data off the 'net, surprisingly.



New member
Why not save alot of money and pick up an SKS? Same round and my old one would shoot about 3 inch groups at 100 yards with iron sights.

1911A1 fan

New member
You say that you hate the quality but IMHO an SKS will out shoot the mini-30 any day of the week and is still a bunch cheaper! So were is the quality problem?:rolleyes:


New member
A crappy mount is worse than no mount at all

Have you used an SKS receiver mount? What kind of groups did you get?

The fact that it is available doesn't mean that it actually works adequately.

From what I've read on this NG, the receiver mounts aren't a very stable platform for a scope. I mean, doesn't this part have some play in it?

The Millett Scout mount, OTOH, does look pretty stable for those wanting to mount a pistol scope, which I don't really find desireable in any way.


New member
grapeshot - do you know somthing about the forward scope mounting that i missed?

i had just about given up on being able to scope my russian sks until i ran across an ad for the millet mount. it reminded me of the mounting system the germans used in WW2, the icing on the cake was the ability to continue to use stripper clips (making it faster loading than the mini30

i was about to buy one and use either a red-dot or the B&L turkey scope 1.75-4x designed for shotguns
seemed like a great "urban carbine"

Navy joe

New member
30 owners would reply, but they're still trying to figure out where all their shots went. Clue #1, they didn't all slip through the one hole on the paper:D One can get better groupings well with grapeshot!

You know that good AR's from Rock river or DPMS & Bushy can be had for 6-700 now right? Cheap mags, good spare parts availibity and all that to. Or Buy a CETME or sumptin.


New member
hey 9mm,

I don't have any experience with the Millett at all actually, other than it looks way more stable than the other types.

I'd think seriously about it myself, but have need of a more powerful scope than could be mounted in this position.

If you buy it, good luck, hope it works out!


New member

I WISH I had the bucks for something better, like an AR, but the lil' Missus has spoken, for now my rifle budget has peaked.

Besides, AR's are gettin' scarce these days. Davidson's sold out today, and all they had left was the Mini 30.

I know they kinda suck, but I bought one anyway.


New member
How more powerful, you're not goin to varmit scope it are you? they make 3-9x scopes in ler form, get one of them, as for the reciever mount, they just take a bit of peening work, or a rubber shim, and they work fine.


New member
Shims? So ... everytime you take the gun down for cleaning, you re-zero the scope, right?

Yes, I want to be able to put a good (maybe even varmint!) scope on it, and I don't think I want to buy a $200+ LER pistol scope to do so, since then I'll have more in my investment than if I just bought a Mini 30, which uses scopes I already have.

And of course, you realize that the the Millett mount requires a fairly short scope, right? They have pictured a short red dot scope. Looks like much more and you'd be hanging your eyepiece over where the casings are ejected!

And then it's still just a "scout" mount, which to me sucks in comparison to regular scoping.

And to the above crowd, I have something to say (rant mode on).

What is it with you SKS guys responding to a Mini 30 thread? Of the dozen or so replies, how many actually addressed actual group sizes of a Mini 30?

Well, I DON'T WANT a freakin' SKS, OKAY?

Every SKS trigger I've ever pulled was TERRIBLY heavy, and the finish was TERRIBLE and the wood was TERRIBLE, and you can't really scope it well, but OOHH on "the Internet" the SKS is a regular RIFLEMAN'S DREAM, a veritable WONDER ... Yeah, wonderful example of a cheap, shoddy, poor quality cobbled-together, clumsy, butt-ugly piece of Communist junk. One guy on another forum mentioned how his Romanian SKS's gas piston was so undersized that it wouldn't operate his gun semi-automatically.

This is certainly real quality, guys. I should run right out and get one, huh? And how 'bout that great factory service dept. backing up the SKS - oh wait they have NONE.

Ever tried to get service or a refund from an importer? I HAVE. GOOD LUCK.

And FYI, there are plenty of 'em out there THAT DON'T SHOOT AS WELL AS A MINI 30 from what I've been told on other BB's. Don't believe it? Snag the recent Gun Tests where they tried to find a good SKS.


If anyone's interested, I have a Millet scout mount that I'd like to sell. I bought it from GunAccesories a few months ago and mounted it with a 2X Nikon pistol scope (which I got for $78 on Ebay BTW not the $200+ as was suggested).

It's extremely solid and zero absolutely won't move. You don't have to use a real short scope, because my Nikon isn't that short (7" or so)

But it had two negatives for me:

You can't pull the gase tube and clean it without disturbing the mount. Not a huge problem because I never had a single jam this way and when I did pull it off, it wasn't crudy at all. But if you use corrosive ammo, then look out!

The scope was mounted a hair too high to get a very solid cheek weld everytime. Thus groups from the bench floated around 3" @ 100 yards. This is the reason I took it off.

I'll sell it for the same price as GunAccessories except I will eat the shiping.

$35 + free shipping



New member
Well i apologise for responding to your post and perhaps teaching you something. I didn't realize that I was preaching to an expert on guns with years of experience. I'm happy to see all the happy mini-30 owners responding, Oh wait, I dont see any of them.. HMMM... maybe because noone wants to admit they payed 400 bucks for one, except you. I must be terrably mistaken beleiveing that the sks is a better gun. I would hate to keep you from buying a rifle with 12 moa accuracy and no reliable high capacity magazines available for less than 50 dollars apeace. I would also hate to make you feel bad by telling you that the bore on mini-30's is .308 diameter, leaving it an american factory ammo only gun, OH yea, surplus is .311 diameter and while ruger long throated their gun to fix the problem that shouldn't be there to begin with, most surplus and newly manufacturered russian ammunition is steel jacketed. must do wonders for not only an un chrome lined bore but an undersized one. Pressure curve must be something to wonder at, I wonder why none of them have blown up yet. . as for hating the sks, youve never shot one and 99 percent of those who have love them. must tell you something. If you hate sks's so much buy a good ak, comperable accuracy(perhaps better), $5 magazines, more reliable and costs half as much as a mini. I couldn't care less what you buy, but i'de advise being more polite to people in your posts or noone will bother talking to you