Mini-14's shoot in 2 directions?


New member
The last few times I've been to the range, I've had the misfortune to be about 15 feet to the right of somebody with a mini-14. This has spawned a question. Do all mini-14's launch their brass THAT far? I was quite literally 15 feet away, and the brass from one landed in my lap, and the brass from two others has sailed clear over my head. I know brass gets kicked out pretty hard from automatics, but jeez!


New member
I've picked up my brass from my SS Ranch model to my right from 12:00 to 6:00 position. Yes, it does fling the brass out there. Now, a AR will kick them out at the 4:00 postion in a nice little pile approx. 6 to 8 ft. away.


LOL! Great thread. Bullseyes in two directions! I've got to the point that I hardly look for my (.223) brass anymore, you gotta take a hike to find it!

I think the guy who basically jumped the young guy with the hand crank 10/22 was out of line. Guns are dangerous, shooting is dangerous, going to the range is dangerous, watch out for yourself! I've been hit by hot brass plenty of times and never started any crap about it. Such short tempered people should stay at home. I just do the OW-OW-OW, and then laugh it off.

Both my standard mini's fling brass just as far as my ranch rifle, (perception, no testing or measureing done!), you must've been blessed with a standard model thats a cut above the rest, SodaPop.

Take it in stride! and wear a turtleneck! :D


New member
Get yourself a CETME and move to the left of the Mini shooters. Let them know what it feels like. The CETME will launch them out farther, faster, harder, and with larger brass. :)

Jake 98c/11b

New member
The Mini can pitch them out there a ways but the real winner is the HK 91. I'm sure you could defend your right flank with that beast. Ran a guy off the range once with it, I tried to be nice but that doesn't work with some people.

Jamie Young

New member
I think the HK91 and Mini 14 are the worst guns to own if you reload. My nephew loves catching brass. They should make that an Olympic Sport.


New member

Ever go looking for spent FAL casings. Those things get launched a ways I can tell ya!

Merry Christmas to all.


Jamie Young

New member
Ever go looking for spent FAL casings


Actually one of the first times I shot the gun I P.O. some guy on my right. I had the gas setting a little higher than normal and after the first shot I heard " THAT AIN"T COOL" after I put a hot shell into his skull. I shoot at a pretty nice out door range but nobody thought to put up plexy glass dividers between tables. I usually put up carboard or something when I plan on going on busy days. Otherwise I warn people to not stand to my right unless they want a Golden Shower :)


New member
Landing spot of Mini - 14 brass

Some time back, I purchased a factory-overrun Mini-14 police rifle. I believe it was through CDNN. It throws the brass about 7-8 feet to the front at about the 1:00 position.


New member
First few rounds that I put through my Mini went about 20 feet & smacked pretty hard into the side of the barn (low-end Federal stuff). I then tested a bunch of handloads, 4 bullet types/weights & 3 powders (just about every combination of them). All were midrange loads, as listed Speer #12. From prone, they all piled up nice & neat 2-3 feet out from the chamber. I was laying on gravel, mighta had an effect on slowing them down.


New member
I was leaving my mini 14 ranch at home every time I would go to the range just because of past experiences. Hot shells bouncing off the next guy's forehead, everybody ducking for cover hearing brass ricocheting around, etc. I solved the problem by installing a smaller gas port fitting from Northwest shooters Supply in Oregon. It basically is a smaller diameter tube that you put in the gas block. Cycling seems to be the same and the brass only travels about 3 feet (less cussing from the guy to my right).