Mini 14 conversion


New member
I know there is a company in Odessa Texas that rebarrels Mini 14's. Any body here had any experience with them or shot any of their work? Pros and cons of rebarreling the Mini vs buying a new AR. Cost is my main consideration. I could swing the conversion but not the price of a new Bushmaster or Colt. I keep looking for that mythical Grandpa's army gun at estate and garage sales but havent found it yet. :)


New member
I think their name is Accuracy Rifle Systems. I haven't seen their work but I hear good things about them. I think they guarentee MOA.


New member
Gopher, DON'T DO IT my friend! When I was young and stupid (and had more money than sense), I had a Mini-14 rebarreled by "Accuracy" Rifle Systems in Odessa.

I admit, their heavy barrel conversion DOES improve the poor accuracy of the Mini.... somewhat. But, it will only improve it's accuracy to the "slightly better than mediocre" category (about 1.5 - 2.0 MOA).

PROVIDED you allow the barrel to cool between shots!

A $225 NEF .223 will also shoot more accurately, when "allowed to cool between shots"!

But WHY spend $400-600 on the original "semi-automatic" rifle and then an additional ($300?) on the barrel swap by the man in Odessa?

This "conversion" is really a waste of money. Once you get frustrated with it, it won't bring you more (trade-in wise) than a standard Mini.

Regards! DaMan


New member
DaMan Just what I was looking for. I'll probably end up putting the Mini and some other stuff together and trading for a Bushmaster. I was just floating this idea out there to see what came back. Yes, those NEF guns are sweet.


New member
I had my mini-14 rebarreled by Ed Vandenberg. The gun really shoots well now. No problem getting inch groups. I have about a grand tied up in the gun but I like the way it feels and intend to keep it forever so it was money well spent. After owning 5 or 6 of the lousy shooting little rascals I finally decided to throw in the towel and have the work done.


New member
I've been there and done that with the Mini. It is NOT the platform I would choose for "accurization".

Sure there are many outfits out there that make their money on "Mini accurization". But they usually fall far short of their promises. Note that CPC states that "customers report" 1/2-3/4" five shot groups at 100yds. with handloads". I didn't see a damn thing about them guaranteeing this type of accuracy! Very weaselly worded!

For about $350 you can make a heavy barreled Mini shoot 1" groups with handloaded ammo at 100 yds. BUT, can you do this without letting the barrel return to "room temperature" between shots?

A heavy barrel will produce good accuracy in the Ruger, BUT you will still get the "Mini-Walk" (change in point of impact) when the barrel gets hot. A heavy barrel will lessen the effects of the Mini-walk, but will not cure it. The problem is the gas system design.

If you are not satisfied with the accuracy of your Mini, I would trade it off and buy something like an AR-15. The cost of a heavy barrel for the Mini is going to be about $350 and you still won't have a semi-auto rifle that performs as it should!

For $350 I can buy a Savage bolt action that will drive tacks! Why spend that kind of money on a barrel for the Mini? It still won't do what it's supposed to do!

Regards! DaMan


New member
Clarks Custom has some conversion specials. If I am not mistaken I believe that they promise 1.5" with there HBarrel at 100yards. I have been told that they are top-notch. They aslo sell some really cool nick-nacks.

[This message has been edited by FireForged (edited August 06, 2000).]

Badger Arms

New member
I'll second what others have said. Get a Bushmaster Free-Floated gun and you won't be sorry. You'll get better accuracy and much improved resale value. Not to mention the plethora of aftermarket options, cheaper magazines, and replacement parts. The Mini is a fine gun for the price.