Million Moron March getting a lot of free publicity tonight.


New member
Every news channel on my 80 channel cable system is giving the Million Mom March free publicity including where you can attend a local march. More one sided media hype!

[This message has been edited by bullseye (edited May 12, 2000).]


New member
Pres Klingon is loving this. There has got to be a few Monica's in that march somewhere and Hilley Billy is on the campaign trail. ;)


New member
"It just plays to our side. When we counter in large numbers it will show who is really grass roots!"

Well, in Chicago we didn't have "large numbers." I don't think we had 100, and I'd guess the MMM crowd at 10-20,000. I called some gun owners I know to go along, but got the usual: no time, not into politics, I gotta wash my hair, etc, etc.

We have met the enemy and he is us.
