Million Mom March Leaps Logical Canyon


New member
Dateline Washington Township Thursday July 19, 2007
Media Contact: Robert Kreisler, President

In the wake of recent allegations of an "unholy alliance" between the NRA, Anheuser-Bush and Sesame Workshop, the New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense wishes to express its sincere concern about Bryan Miller of CeaseFire New Jersey, and Carole Stiller of the Million Mom March.

The most recent accusation made by the radical anti-gun groups is that a gift given in exchange for a donation will somehow lead to the corrupting of America's youth. In this case, the NRA was simply offering tickets to Sesame Place as a courtesy for donations voluntarily made to their organization.

Offering a gift in exchange for a donation is a common practice among almost all organizations that represent their members. A visit to the Million Mom March website will reveal that they receive a kickback from Amazon and deeper research will disclose many other examples of the same type of gift-for-donation practices the MMM and CeaseFire accuse the NRA of doing.

"It seems that fundraising is alright for the anti-gun lobby, but not for the rest of America" said Robert Kreisler, the NJCSD president. "We have free speech, as long as it's what Bryan Miller wants. And, in typical fact-twisting rhetoric, the anti-gun lobby expects you to excuse it when they do it themselves.”

The radical anti-gun groups are pressuring Sesame Workshop to cease their relationship with the NRA, despite the fact that Sesame Street characters like Elmo appear on one of their websites, likely without authorization for use of the trademark characters.

"Frankly, I think Bryan Miller has finally become unglued" continued the NJCSD president. "We regularly see stretches of the truth intended to mislead the public by Bryan Miller and his sycophants, but this is a leap of twisted logic even Evel Knievel couldn't make. It’s an insult to the intelligence of New Jersey citizens, and the public should be rightly offended."

Miller claims “Kids, guns and beer is a bad mix” in his television interview, implying that parents who own firearms will be pouring beer down their children’s throats, then throwing them unsupervised into the back yard with a loaded gun. Even the “poll” conducted by News 12 was intentionally phrased to end in a predetermined result.

"It's just one more sign that the anti-gun zealots are coming unglued at the seams because they can't win in the court of public opinion, so they just have to make things up, and resort to astounding feats of daredevil logic. Frankly, I don't know whether to pity Bryan Miller, or envy him. I don't think I could ever be that creative" said Kreisler.

The NJCSD has no relationship or affiliation to the NRA, but on behalf of responsible gun owners everywhere, we resent the implication and felt it was necessary to point out the lengths to which anti-gun groups will go to mislead the public. The truly unholy alliance here is between anti-gun zealots and the media who refuse to give equal time and report the news in a fair and balanced manner.

For more information about the New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense, go to or email info@njcsd.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

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New member
Not a new concept, I find it amazing that folks will buy into stuff the Brady website posts. Then when you run the numbers and show them the error of thier ways they figure out they have been bamboozled.