Militia Rising


New member
Did anyone else think that Militia Rising was a ridiculous show that put firearm owners and enthusiasts in bad light? Not to mention half of the non-former service personnel who wore officer rank and insignia......

I must say the only member I respected was the ranger who had the "rapelling" accident had my heart as he wanted to show his true duty to country...


New member
Never had military service (4 pins in my ankle), but even I could see procedural errors in the techniques employed, e.g. breaking the skyline while on "patrol", not to mention the overall physical condition of those boys (one or two looked to be a hundred pounds overweight). And some of them seemed a little confused about the difference between attention and parade rest.

Nine the Ranger

New member
Dear lord, these people exist?!

Mall Ninjas and Idiots ahoy. I'm all for prepping and being safe, but it's a little more than Beans, Bullets, and Bandages.


New member
Isn't that the whole point of these anti gun propaganda shows?
To show gun owners in the worst possible light.
Find and show the worst and ignore the best.
From just this thread, it makes me happy I don't watch television.

Read a book. You might just learn something. Read a magazine too. I liked D. Hansen's article on the belt fed AR with the quick barrel change. Pure happiness. :D Too bad the budget says no. :eek:


New member
Isn't that the whole point of these anti gun propaganda shows?
To show gun owners in the worst possible light.
Find and show the worst and ignore the best.

It's called a media "roll-out". Plant the idea that something is good or bad,in advance, in the publics mind. Think back to "villians" in the past and how they instantly were accepted as the bad guys at exactly the same time on different channels.

Mark In Texas

New member
The guy in the Indiana Militia who talked about the importance of stockpiling ammo and food. It looked like he stockpiled a lot of Cheetos.

The Florida Militia doing a password routine in broad daylight with the commander, from an "undisclosed location" in North Florida. Then the commander brags about access to fresh water from a nearby named spring. So much for undisclosed.

The whole thing was kind of pathetic. The ranks on people who have never served, the stupid procedures that had no tactical use. And where do they find all those 4XL sized camouflage sets?


New member
I liked the part at the end where they were taking inventory ... 700 rounds of ammo. 700??? That's not enough for one guy! I liked when the one guy dropped his gun too. Whatever.


New member
Stockpiling ammo is 700 rounds? Holy crap... I reload and shoot way more than that on a weekly basis. Heck I'm going out this afternoon with a little more than 2k rounds and expect to come back with nothing but empty brass...


New member
I thought it was rediculous, reminded me of Barny Phif on Andy of Mayberry lol
You don't think the real militia's would be on film on tv do you ?

C Philip

New member
You don't think the real militia's would be on film on tv do you ?
The real militia is all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45, as established by the Militia Act of 1903. Some state constitutions have similar language.


New member
I'm sure they had plenty of training playing "Call of Duty" and took a two week online boot camp course , the only way they could pass.....oh, and watched Full Metal Jacket while eating jelly doughnuts. :D