Military Rifle Prop Guns


New member
I'm in a band that does a lot of songs about the cost of war, rebellions, things of that nature. Some of our artwork includes B29 bombers and soldiers with rifles. I made the suggestion that it would be really awesome to make a mic stand out of an assault rifle so of course I, being the gun guy, got put in charge of heading it.

I'm looking for a military rifle prop gun, pretty cheap (less than $40). Doesn't have to be made high quality (plastic is fine) as long as it looks realistic. I'm looking for something along the lines of M16A1, G3/HK91, M14, Dragunov, etc. I would love to do a Barret M107 but our poor singer is about 5 feet tall so I think it would dwarf her. I do want it to be pretty tall, though, and light is a bonus.

I hope this is firearms related enough for this forum. Just wondering if anybody knows a place where you can get those. I have found an M16A1 for about $25, just want to see what else is out there.

Airsoft, Paintball, BB guns are all fine as long as they look real and I can pull the guts out to make room for a mic stand.

Thanks guys!
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New member
Oops, I read your post, but guess my eyes missed your last line. I see you are already considering Airsoft guns and would like specific suggestions. Sorry, basically I’ve brought nothing to the conversation. Anyway… :eek:


New member
I would suggest an "inert training gun" made of solid plastic. (search Google) They are usually blue, red or yellow, but can be spray painted black, if you wish.


New member
I think those are usually solid and have "no guts" to pull out, and they can be as heavy as the real thing. The good thing is they would be more durable. Of course you could probably hollow one out some to reduce the weight.


New member
Great idea, but unfortunately very expensive.

Looks like it'll probably be the $25 airsoft gun since those just seem the cheapest to make. Thanks for all the help though!


New member
Cmp has ceremonial drill rifles and some only deemed appropriate for salvage...

I'm sure some mosin nagants can be had cheap


Active member
You can't buy a junk rifle for $40, let alone anything that was true military. You would have to time-travel about 30 years in the past for that. Add a "0" to your $40, and you can buy a Sturmgewehr .22lr - very realistic looking.


New member
I'm familiar with the "potato masher" :D Wonder if I could put a microphone in there... that would be pretty cool.

I'm not looking for an actual firearm -- just a cheap replica. Maybe I didn't make that quite clear.


New member
The German Stick Grenades, or "Potato Mashers", were pretty distinctive looking but they weren't small either. I think the Chinese and other versions that were used since then might be smaller and still be recognizable as a grenade.

Umm, you might want to ship it to out of town locations as it might cause in issue at the airport :eek: