Military- personal firearms on deployment

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New member
I asked in the general discussion, but I dont go over there much so I will ask over here..
Anyone take a personal firearm on deployment overseas?
Back during the cold war, (which we helped win , one beer at a time,)- we took what ever we owned to Germany. Used a range on an airforce base down the road. Then it turned 1990 and I got out.

Anyone take anything to a "war zone" ? recently?

Sons are mp's and the Marine might be deployed to Afgan... thinking of a 92f for Christmas.


New member
thinking of a 92f for Christmas.

Not a bad choice considering that it already makes the grade. Personally, I am a SIG convert almost to the point of sickness:) but the ones that I flip for are not in current production (W. German). Next would be my Glock. I'll take it a step further and add; it should be chambered in a NATO round! Preferably in one that is commonly used in the region of deployment. That way, while passing by the downed bastards, you can take their ammo too! :)


New member
you've got quite a few answers already in general discussion.

basically nothing you cant sneak over, and keep hidden(hold out), and dont plan on bringing back.

Please post your question in one place, and ONLY one place.

The most proper place for this question, since you are asking generally about firearms (I'm assuming handguns) is the Handguns General Discussion forum.

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