Miles Of Cable Mask Alot...

As a member of this forum you must have an internet connection, and the internet is essentially a system of cables and servers-these do much to mask the true character of many members. So in contemplation I have had a revalation if you will, and as a result I decided to pose this question. Do you practice what you preach? Meaning, we all extol the virtues of a good citizen and more importantly a good firearms owner, but how many of us actually are good citizens?I ask because increasingly I am seeing a dissapointing sight. The horrible littering, rudeness and for the most part steriotypical hunter image that the "antis" hold against us is becoming more apparent than ever to me. This image for those who arent as enlightened is that of a hunter who is rude, chauvenistic, diregards the environment and is generally a "redneck" in demeanor. As a participant of the shooting sports, I must bear this burden as must all responsible sportsmen. In addition I am also painfully aware of how we are perceived as soon as I tell an individual I hunt and shoot.This forum has many members, statistics will show that a certain number of you are what I just described, for reasons of anonymity I wont ask you to respond, just stop,please!
Addressing the responsible ones; do you "stray" from the ideal image of a responsible sportsman, and if you do, do you try and fix it? I know I do, and I most certainly try to fix it.
Lastly, I realize that the movement to pull our act together is the strongest its ever been, but in reality, we need to do a better job to ensure us a future, this brings me to my last question; are you willing to try?


New member
I would have to say that yes i am a Good example of gun owners that act responsably at all times. I will also admit that I have friends that HATE it. I don't hunt, but I do shoot on a regular basis. Atleast once a week. I am the only person in my group of shooting buddys that has their CPL, and I am also the only one with a membership to a range. So if the guys want to go shooting they go when I go. I make them follow all the rules of the club and of gun safety. Yes I am a prick. No rapid fire, must clean up after yourself, etc. Don't follow the rules you don't come with me again. The people that work at the stores I buy ammo are treated with respect, even when the same guy sells me my ammo 3days in a row and asks the same questions ( rifle or handgun? Handgun., Are you Age? yes, ID please and I show him, 3 days in a row.) Does it bug me? Yes but I answer and show him everytime with a smile and a sir. Treat nongunners with respect and we will receive the same.


I consider myelff to be a good citizen (except with respect to various...ahem...personal matters that are best served by "adult "Boards ;))..

I dont litter..pack it in pack it out. If I drink or 420, guns stay locked in car or at home. I dont spray and pray outside proper venues for spraying and praying. I dont steal or cheat. I am not racist, sexist or homophobic and vociferously object to thoise things. I try to pay my bills on time. I vote in every election. I hate the IRS. I beleive in the rule of law and the political process. I like dogs. I am anti gun control within certain limits, pro choice within certain limits, pro drug legalization within certain limits, pro gay rights within certain limits and for homeland security within certain limits. I am Mr. Middle of the Road :)



New member
wildalaska said:
I hate the IRS
And therefore you are a model American ;)

I would challenge the non-hunting shooters to do the same. If you go to a range, police up all your brass, remove your targets whether they be traditional targets or cans, bottles etc... Be safe and respect other shooters. One outdoor range I frequent has benches that are basically in a field with no sidewalks, just grass. I take a tarp every time and lay it down to catch all my brass (gotta keep loadin' 'em ya know). In fact, I bought a half dozen extra earlier in the summer and gave them to the range owner to let others use if they like. I have made a good many new friends on the range and I hope to keep the good will alive so that my grandkids can someday enjoy the shooting sports.