Mika's Pocket Holsters?

Yankee Doodle

New member
Been trying to get in touch with Bob Mika to order a couple of pocket holsters. His website keeps coming up as unavailable. Is he still in business, and if so, how do I get in touch with him to place the order?


New member
Be prepared to wait a long time before you actually receive the holsters and then wait some more. Do a Google search on Mika's Pocket Holsters for more comments. I ordered two from him and eventually received them.


New member
In days of old, I got holsters from him in a week. Thanks to his reputation and the internet, it now takes months.


New member
I bought one from a guy on here and love it. It holds my LCR ct nicely.

Sometimes you have to wait for good quality, it's not fast food. Otherwise it would be fast, cheap, and easy. ;)


New member
Mika pocket holsters, well worth the wait. I have several and have recommended them for years. Never had a complaint.



New member
Bob makes a good product, but I think demand for his product has outstripped his ability to keep track of things. My pocket holster for my 642 is great. The one I ordered for my Beretta Tomcat never showed, and after asking about it, he never got back to me (even after trying to remind him a couple times).

He's not a bad guy, I believe, just overwhelmed and some customers (well, at least one) have fallen through the cracks.


New member
I think that they're worth the wait. IIRC it was about 6wks for mine, though I'd gotten two different types, which may have held things up.


New member
Robert Mika has, IMHO, a serious problem: He undercharges for his holsters.
I would happily pay twice as much because they are twice as good as anything else I have used.
He completely stands behind his product and is a joy to deal with.

Big Don

New member
I found out about Bob's holster here on TFL about 2 years ago and ordered mine. It took about a month and is everything I expected. I called him before ordering and he told me it might be a while in production as he is the local police chief and that keeps him busy too. Call him to find out what his backlog is like. You won't be sorry if you buy one. And, I agree on the price!


New member
patience is required, but as others have said, they are worth the wait, in my case about two months for one for my 637 ... well-made, good value for the cost and I even chatted with him on the phone ... nice guy, probably needs five or six apprentices to keep up with the work ...

Jim Downey

New member
Yeah, MQP, I told him that he should charge more. I told him he should even charge *me* more on the one I ordered several years ago.

He laughed. Said that wasn't the way he does business.

I respect that. And like BikerRN, Mika Holsters are the only pocket holsters I recommend. They're worth the wait. Simple, well-made, effective.

Jim D.