Might have found my new carry piece PF9 Keltec


New member
Well, actually, they are in CDNN's catalog, but when I asked a salesman about it he said they would put my name on a waiting list. This is a brand new model and Kel Tec is just getting them into the mainstream.

michael t

New member
They all ready have be recalled 3 or 4 times. Their full of bugs yet. I am not bashinh KT as I have 3 of the smaller guns But they should have trouble worked out be for releaseing to public.


New member
as far as i know they are out there , but on a limited basis . The first one hundred had some severe issues , but there are many more out there now . I suggest you visit http://www.ktrange.com/phpbb2/index.php or http://www.ktog.org/vbulletin/ for current info . I know i am not ready to sell my Kahr pm9 for one yet . Hopefully like the p3at they will get all the issues lined out and make a fine little affordable carry gun , but imho that will be a couple of years down the line .

Willy T

New member
I sometimes dont understand the fascination with saving a buck. :rolleyes: Unless you are retired and need something to fiddle with.


New member
I sometimes dont understand the fascination with saving a buck. Unless you are retired and need something to fiddle with.
I couldn't agree more. I skimp on things like 87 octane gas vs. 90 octane... but I would never buy a cheap handgun to protect myself, family or friends with.

I'll spend a few extra bucks and get a Sig, HK, Walther, Glock, or some other high quality firearm before buying the latest and greatest $200 widget from Kel-Tec.


New member
I couldn't agree more. I skimp on things like 87 octane gas vs. 90 octane... but I would never buy a cheap handgun to protect myself, family or friends with.

My Kel-Tec P11 was inexpensive, but is by no means "cheap." It has been 100% reliable with any ammo I feed it. Its trigger pull is long, but smooth. It is very concealable and carries a quite a payload for its size.

As with any gun, a thorough shakedown with the ammo of your choice is recommended. If you experience any problems with a newly purchased Kel-Tec, the factory will bend over backwards to make it right; at least, that has been my experience. I purchase an early production P32 and it broke on its first outing. I sent it to Kel-Tec, and they turned it around in less than a week, and it worked perfectly until I sold it to buy a NAA Guardian 380 (for the more powerful round, not dissatisfaction with the P32). I would have opted for a Kel-Tec P3AT, but it wasn't available at the time.

Pappy John

New member
I sometimes dont understand the fascination with saving a buck. Unless you are retired and need something to fiddle with.

Hey! I resemble that remark!!:D
BUT....In this case it's not just the price. It's also being the smallest, lightest platform for the caliber. Price is just a nice side benefit.;)



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chris in va

New member
I sometimes dont understand the fascination with saving a buck

A buck? The closest competitor to the PF9 is $650. I don't have that kind of change for a small 9mm. Hell my Sig 220 was $450. My P11 is fine if the trigger was just not so damn long.


New member
I sometimes dont understand the fascination with saving a buck. Unless you are retired and need something to fiddle with.

I don't understand the fascination with spending all that money on a Glock, when you can get something smaller, just as reliable, just as accurate and prettier for less money.

I don't see the need to buy a BMW when a Ford will get me there..


New member
Clearly, you've never driven a BMW then.

Well, come to think of it, neither have I, but the VW will come close enough to remind me why I don't drive a Ford. :) And high octane fuels don't have any advantage to a car that uses 87.

But, all that aside, I met a guy at a range with some sort of Keltec .380. I was absolutely flabbergasted at its size and heft and managable recoil. If I wanted to carry an automatic, I would absolutely run out and buy one. I can understand the reasons behind buying a 9x19 version, its not about saving a buck, but having an awesomely compact and light firearm with you at all times. I was very impressed with it.


New member
I recently bought a PF-9. While small and thin, it's bigger than I pictured when I ordered it. Still nice size for a 9mm compact, good price too. Haven't shot it much, about 200rds. It was flawless in function and accuracy was better than I expected. You can actually run the plate rack with this thing at 15yds.

<img src="http://www.myhostedpics.com/images/Savage/mvc063f.jpg" alt="image hosting by http://www.myhostedpics.com/" />

Willy T

New member
Things like:They all ready have be recalled 3 or 4 times. Their full of bugs yet. I am not bashinh KT as I have 3 of the smaller guns But they should have trouble worked out be for releaseing to public.

Is all I need to know. I bought a P3AT in hard chrome because the salesman said best for my wife. After dickering with them on three occasions they sent a new one to my dealer. This one too failed and was sent back. My gun dealer even tried to fire and said it was junk. He gave me my money toward a real gun and we are still friends. Why fool with JUNK. Most of the threads here have stated after returning the gun it is fine. Who has time to fool with JUNK?


New member
I handled one today at my local gun shop. Gotta love the price. Seems like a good shape. Trigger seemed long. It was obviously not a Glock...could tell that from just dry firing and pulling back the slide. Like a Kia versus a BMW, but you gotta love the price and the size.

Kel-Tec says they took what everyone loved about the P3-AT, the trigger mechanism, and combined it with the 9mm frame. Still seems like a long trigger pull, but dang it is nice and small. Would love to test drive one out on the pistol range, but they are too new for my gun shop to have one available for that.


New member
I plan to get one soon

The attractiveness that comes with this gun is that it is thin... The reason I shy'd away from the P11, was b/c it was almost as thick as my XD-9 or G19. For this reason, I just carried an XD-9... uncomfortably IWB. I haven't carried much lately because most guns are hard for a thin guy to conceal in the summer (down south) while wearing shorts and a t-shirt.... I think this gun (or the less powerful but more concealable P32) would be the only choice for it's size and price. If there is another out there, I would like to know about it.