Might be moving to Albuquerque, NM.... need some info from the locals.


New member
Currently been a cop for five years in Miami, FL. I want a change of scenery and Albuquerque PD is taking apps. Any info on Albuquerque, New Mexico? They aren't the only place I've submitted apps to but they called me back and want to to fly out in March for testing.

I'm not married, have no kids, not even tied down my a mortgage. Just filling out apps and seeing here they go. I want to move for a change of weather and geography. Also want to live in a state with a smaller population then Florida and more open land. Like to hunt, camp, fish, shoot. blah, blah blah. State must be NFA Friendly since I own a number of NFA item.


more open land. Like to hunt, camp, fish, shoot. blah, blah blah. State must be NFA Friendly since I own a number of NFA item.

You'll find just about every state in the West offering these amenities - which is nice. I got tired of snow, otherwise, I'd still be in northern NV

Good luck with your quest

Frank Ettin

I don't know much about Albuquerque, except I've been through it a few times. My father used to live outside of Santa Fe, and I've visited. But I can say that I was very impressed by New Mexico, and it's on the short list of places my wife and I would seriously consider moving to.

Frank Ettin

chris in va said:
Isn't Santa Fe pretty expensive?
Not by California standards.:D

Anyway, my point is that from my limited experience New Mexico looks like a pretty nice place to live if one likes the desert/high desert. Of course, I bet there are some not too nice places as well.


New member
I grew up in El Paso, Texas, several hundred miles south of Albuquerque, but we spent a lot of holiday weekends and weeks in northern and northwester New Mexico. If you like the outdoors, it is God's country -- seriously. Nearly everybody camps, hunts, fishes, hikes, goes rock hounding, etc. My father was an avid deer- and bird-hunter, and fished -- I have memories of eating fresh grilled trout caught from mountain streams in the central New Mexican mountains near Ruidoso and Cloudcroft, and in the northern New Mexico mountains north and west of Santa Fe. Yum!

States west of the great plains and east of the Pacific coast tend to be relatively laissez faire about guns. However, New Mexico has recently tightened up on some gun laws. Specifically, it no longer recognizes CCW permits except from the holder's state of residence. It also doesn't recognize permits from a number of states. I don't know if this carries over into other gun laws, however, and I doubt that the governer or state legislature could keep their jobs if they limit second amendment rights significantly. (They wouldn't have back in the 1970s, when I lived in that area.)

I'll let others with more recent experience tell you about the city itself. :)