Midway Supply/M1A Mags No-Go in NY


New member
I tried to order some SA Factory 20 rd. magazines for my M1A from Midway Supply and they said they would not/could not ship them to New York State. :barf: I asked why not and they gave me some bull**** excuse and what it boiled down to was it was their policy and no one else's. I've order ammo form them without any problem. I've ordered hi-cap magazines from other sources without any problem. So I'm done with Midway Supply altogether. If they won't sell me the magazines then I won't buy anything from them ever again, period! Some will say I'm cutting my nose off to spite my face but it's the principle of it. There I feel better already.


New member
It's not really Midways fault. Many of the mail supply companys don't want or can't deal with all the diffrent laws on the books. Just because the federal law on Hi Cap magazines has been lifted, there are a number of cities, townships, counties in New York have passed laws making anything over 10 rounds illigal. It's almost impossible to keep track of them. Believe me Midway is not the only one doing it. Very few of them even want to deal with NY,NJ and Mass.


New member
Yeah, but I still think it sucks. I can go to my local gun shop and buy them for 50% more then what Midway was selling them for. Thanks Hillary and Chuckie. I told you NY was NOT gun friendly.:barf: