Midway AR Lowers discount w/ C&R?


New member
Like the title says, I was thinking about putting together an AR and wondering what kind of discount you get on AR parts as a dealer with a C&R at midway.

Also as long as your here what do you guys think of any good reading outside of this forum about putting together an AR?



New member
Your C&R probably won't get you anything. They won't give you a double discount for having a dealer 01-FFL and a collector 03-FFL, especially on a receiver that has nothing to do with the C&R.


New member
I was asking because I read on the Midway website that having a C&R will get you a dealers pricing, all I wanted to know was what the discount from retail would be for an AR lower. If you have a C&R and have bought one from Midway before of if you have a dealers account with Midway and would not mind taking the time to log in a and check for me I would appreciate it.

I diddnt mean a double discount, perhaps my wording was too vague. I hope this cleared it up for you.

Thanks :)

(I dont have a C&R myself or else I could just see for myself, but I have requested the proper forms and hope to have one ASAP)
I no longer have a dealer account at Midway, but did for several years. On some items (ACOGs come to mind) I saved a lot of money with the dealer's discount. On many items, the discount doesn't amount to very much. If you call Midway, they'll probably give you the dealer's price quote over the phone, if you tell them that you've applied for a C&R license.


New member
hksigwalther, Ausserordeutlich - Thanks, thats exactly what I wanted to hear thanks a bunch!

Trapp- Totally agree with you.


New member
You need to have a 01FFL to order a receiver from Midway. Even then, the discount at Midway for the Doublestar complete (sans buttstock) is only $10. The stripped DPMS lower has a better discount at $30 less.

But can't you get a stripped Stag for $100 almost anywhere?


New member
Whenever I do order a lower I am going to have it sent to an 01FFL unless I can find a store in Houston TX that sells them.

I am planing to build an AR and untill I get my C&R I thought I would look around and see if I could put it too good use on this project. When I plan a project I also plan where exactly I am going to buy what products. I have heard good things about DPMS and their prices seem reasonable, plus I trust Midway. I still have alot of reading to do so I havnt really made any decisions about what brand or style I want. Just asking questions mostly.

Do you happen to know of any cheap dependable online sources for lowers?


New member
Beginning this year, Midway's dealer discounts have been slashed quite a bit. They are no longer as good as they were. Some items that before were $300 items with a $75 discount are now a $1.00 discount. Yes, you read that right, a $1 discount....which begs the question "why bother?". I appreciate any savings, but some items are about a 1% discount, which seems really stupid.

Other items are still discounted a bit, but overall it's much less than before. The discounts on lowers aren't substantial.

Brownells is the better place for parts and lowers, and their C&R discount is consistently good.


New member
Do you happen to know of any cheap dependable online sources for lowers?
I just fininshed (almost) a 9mm AR build on an Ameetec Arms lower. They are currently running a special on their website for a complete M4 lower half with stock and LPK for $200. So far the rifle has run flawlessly for me with just shy of 500 rds through. I would buy more from them at that price if I needed them. Ameetec Arms
Also, you should check out AR15.com, they have lots of good info there and lots of people who can answer your questions if need be. They also have a page called the 'equipment exchange' that is basically a huge classified ad page for everything AR15 new and used. Lots of great deals to be had.


New member
Thanks everyone for being so helpful :). Im not sure if Im more exited about my C&R or building my AR.

Looks like a great deal on that A4, Imma try to jump on it but I dont have the funds just yet. As we used to say in highschool "good looking out":cool: