Middle aged: saving most of the ammo for retirement?

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Being 58, might be able to retire at age 60. About 80% is stored and never touched.

Well-aware of the intentions of many of 'our' govt. representatives (loose meaning here), there are considerable possibilities that not only US-made ammo will go up in price, but that 'they' will wait for a tragic 'event' to justify highly taxing or putting high tariffs on imported ammo.

It seems unlikely that all types of foreign ammo would be prohibited, but ammo for semi-auto rifles must already be threatened.

The recent signatures of the UN Small Arms Treaty along with others make their long-term intentions very clear. Lots of printed money pumped into our system, via the "quantitative easing" etc adds more potential to future inflation.
If a proposal to ban or tax ammunition comes along, we can discuss it then. In the meantime, this is likely to veer into pure politics, which is something we don't do here.
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