Mid South Metal Mania


New member
Is anyone attending the metal mania shoot July 8 at Mid South? Has anyone shot this event in the past? I will be going with another deputy and would like to meet someone who has experience.

Buck Peddicord


New member
buck, pardon my ignorance, but where is this shoot held? Is Mid-South the training facilities in N Miss?


New member
Mid South Defensive Institute is located in N. Miss near Lake Cormorant. It is John Shaw's facility and run by Ross Sanders. I have toured it once and it is a great training facility. Everyone I know who has attended classes there says the training is outstanding.

Buck Peddicord


New member
Buck, thanks for clarifying that for me. I thought that was Shaw's place. I live about 1 hour south of Mid-South... sounds like a good shoot, may have to go.