Microlon gun juice


New member
Im sure this has been done before,but looking for any new info from someone else that has used it.

Microlone gun juice.... I did buy some and have not used it in my bigger rifles yet. I did however use it in both of my 10/22 and my 45ACP. The results are as posted.Both the 10/22's picked up and average of 45fps in speed and groups did tighten up some. The same results for the 45ACP with speed increase of only about 20fps. I have read many reports on this stuff and all seems to be very good to say the least,but im still leary about putting it in my bench rifles. Anyone else out here got any thing more to add?. Also forgot to mention, I did also put it an action on both those guns with actually amazing results on the smoothness of action now. Dropped some on sizing die and pressure to resize 223 cases was cut way down,I still use lube ,but over all force needed was less.


New member
Any time someone starts marketing something with micro this and micro that and making all sorts of wondrous claims about the product you best back up and think. There's been snake oil salesmen around for centuries. Kinda reminds me of the engine oil adjuvants that used to be marketed so heavily, they're made to sell not to use. Goatwhiskers