Michigan Poll: Will new CCW law lead to more violence


New member

Poll Question-(lower right-hand corner of webpage)

Do you believe that the new Michigan concealed weapons law will increase the incidence of violence in the state, leading to higher health care costs?
Yes: 80 votes (34.3%)
No: 150 votes (64.4%)
Maybe: 3 votes (1.3%)

Great time to vote, with so few votes, every additional "no" vote will tilt it our way


New member

If you follow the thread down on Free Republic, there's a poster going by:


probably a fraud, but feel free to chat with her ( & keep it civil, don't give the anti's ammo! )


New member
No: 535 73.8%
Yes: 183 25.7%

When will the anti's stop this "CCW's will cause more volence non-sense. It doesn't hold water. This is the same thing that was said when Arizona started CCWs. The anti's and bliss ninnies cry and wailed that the streets would run with blood, we would be back in the days of old west! People dropping like flies becuase of all the stray bullets zipping around! (Actually, crime per capita was much, much lower in the old west because EVERYBODY carried a gun...sorry had to say that).

Oh, in case you were wondering. Crime went down in AZ because of the CCW.

Ride hard and shoot straight!


Moderator Emeritus
1612 Hours Wednesday:

793 Votes.

551 Rational humans who noted no bloodbath in Disneyworld after FL's CCW passed.

225 Sheeple who think Michiganers are somehow more violence-prone than those nice folks in other states who already had CCW.

17 People who are somehow allowed access to a computer, yet refuse to make strong commitments to rigid causes like "Yes" and "No".


New member
Sure thing, Longshot.

It's at 608 to 200.

The only people who think that a bloodbath will ensue are those people who are currently paying petitioners to gather signatures for a referendum vote on CCW. People who look at the facts when making their decisions, people such are ourselves, don't let emotion stand in the way of logic and the truth.


New member
The change is interesting. I dropped them a line saying that the poll would be viewed as biased because of the default to "Yes" and that plain "maybe" more likely would be viewed as a weak yes. I suggested that "maybe" be changed to "don't know" and if the software didn't allow a no-default scenario, default to "don't know".

It looks like they took some of the advice to heart.

I also mentioned that a lot of people there are now illegally carrying because of their work and would merely become legal under the new law. I also pointed out that people who went through all the CCW rigamarole are probably better trained in firearms safety than the Rent-A-Cops they think are protecting them at the malls.

They have a feedback page at: http://www.mha.org/feedback.asp


New member
How could 209 people vote yes? They're probably the same ones who voted for Gore and the new Senator, Stabenow, in the November general election.

12:07 PM

No (74.5 %) 662 votes
Yes (23.5 %) 209 votes
Maybe/Undecided (1.9 %) 17 votes