Michael Moore farce video


New member
Just found this on youtube. I did a search, but didn't find that it was already posted on TFL.

He presents a pro 2A argument in a pretty humorous manner, though he needs to keep his finger off the trigger. I like how he demonstrates Michael Moore's method of pushing his perspective through the use of creative editing.



New member
Crowder's got a lot of good bits.

As much as you're not going to get perfect information (or handling) out of pundits, this is the sort of stuff the NRA (and other certain-minded groups) need to run with. I still think the anti's (and other certain-other-minded groups) absolutely kill "us" on public relations. Conceding that blogging, viral media, etc. are buzzwords, "our" rejection of such means as putting style over substance is a problematic refusal to adapt to the times. No, such things aren't the single and only solution to the uphill struggles we've got trying to inform the non-shooting sheep, but it's an important aspect of an integrated and trendy approach that will impact the fact-deficient ADHD generation(s).


New member
Buzzcook said:
Weak. Moore may be a self absorbed fat ass, but his movies are pretty good.

You're joking right?
Bowling for Columbine: All shooters are violent hicks?
Farenheit 9/11: Bush paid Osama to blow us up?
And it only gets better, if more off-topic, from there. :barf:


New member
Bowling for Columbine: All shooters are violent hicks?
Farenheit 9/11: Bush paid Osama to blow us up?

Obviously you didn't watch the movies.

And this thread was off topic from the get go.

Odd Job

New member
Weak. Moore may be a self absorbed fat ass, but his movies are pretty good.

As long as you understand that they are at best fiction/propaganda. They are not documentaries, they are crockumentaries.


New member
I'm all for people making movies about whatever their soapbox issue(s) is/are. If they make stupid movies I will clown them for being a dummy. The only problem I have with Moore's films is that they are marketed as "documentaries". I think it ought to be marketed as docudramas just like "Supersize Me"and "An Inconvenient Truth" ought to be.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Obviously you didn't watch the movies.

And this thread was off topic from the get go.

"Obviously you didn't watch the movies."

Some here may not have, but I have seen them. The trick is to recognize propaganda when you see or hear it, whether it comes from the left or the right. This was propaganda from my point of view, although it may not seem that way from Moore's point of view. Deeply held beliefs don't translate to being correct in those beliefs. The funny thing about where you stand on the political spectrum is that you think you are in the center.

"And this thread was off topic from the get go."

TFL is loaded with opinions. Fortunately, only a few of us need to make those decisions.


New member
Can we send him to Afghanistan without armed escort or a weapon and see if his opinions change?

Its curious how many anti-gun celebrities have never found themselves in a position where they desperately need a weapon in order to stay alive and return to their sheltered little existences.


New member
Its curious how many anti-gun celebrities have never found themselves in a position where they desperately need a weapon in order to stay alive and return to their sheltered little existences.

I think the problem is more that the celebrities think that they belong to a elitist group who should be afforded these rights (like gun ownership) while the "common" folk (read everyone else) are denied rights.

For example...a few years back there was some Hollywood awards show where several celebs pulled up to the red carpet driving a Prius. The message to the rest of the world was "be green" or "conserve energy"; after the awards show, they jumped on their private jets capable of handling 50 passengers, and flew across the country to pursue their exorbitant life style.

So I think the same would be true for firearms. I imagine it's pretty common to see some celebs at a Brady Bunch photo op, while these same folks have firearms at home or in their vehicles. Since California is a May Issue state, it might be easier for them to get a CCP since they are sometimes hounded by demented fans. They see this as acceptable since, in their eyes, they are above the rest of us.



Staff In Memoriam
Moore made the mistake of thinking my parents were "hippies" just cuz they smoked pot in the early 70's... My dad lumped him up for professing communistic/socialistic beliefs over a joint in our living room and then physically tossed him off the porch making sure he kissed the sidewalk on landing!
Davison Michigan...


New member
Michael Moore is one(if not the) biggest waste of human flesh aloud to breathe today. I don`t watch,listen or support any of his anti-American garbage. He`s a self-proclaimed anti-American thats existing here simply cause some people choose to 'watch/support' his anti-american movies.


New member
I hear that I "didn't watch/read/understand" something quite often when I draw different inferences. In fact just the other day some ornery fellow was on about how if I'd only read Mein Kampf with an open mind, I might see the genius behind it.

I'll excuse myself for noticing how utterly incompatible Moore's conclusions are with the structure and law of the United States, which is unsurprising given that he couldn't hack school. At issue on a gun board is Bowling for Columbine.

Cutting back to what I said earlier, people today have no stomach for lengthy, well-suppported debate. If it's not fit for tmz to report, it's not fit for their understanding. There will be a one-sentence takeaway from most media they observe. It is a short, pithy sentence, not some multi-breath apologist's run-on. Now what is going to be most people's takeaway from Bowling? It's not going to involve learning more about shooting from a reasonable, unbiased perspective. Lending this goon any credibility does a disservice to everyone on this board.


New member
Its curious how many anti-gun celebrities have never found themselves in a position where they desperately need a weapon in order to stay alive and return to their sheltered little existences.

I don't give a rip what celebrities do or how much crazy Scientology they participate in. It just doesn't interest me. A while back I did read a news clip about Ms. Jolie and her stance on guns though. I thought it was quite refreshing to see that there is at least one product of Hollywood who's got it right.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt keep a gun in their house to protect their family.

The couple would do anything for their children - Maddox, six, Pax, four, Zahara, three, and two-year-old Shiloh - and wouldn't hesitate shooting someone if they tried to harm them.

Angelina - who is pregnant with twins - said: "If anybody comes into my home and tries to hurt my kids, I've no problem shooting them.

"I bought original, real guns of the type I used in 'Tomb Raider' for security. Brad and I are not against having a gun in the house, and we do have one. I'd be able to use it if I had to."

As well as firearms, Angelina insists she is more than capable of tackling any assailant with her self-defence skills.

She added: "I tend to want to throw an elbow - I don't know why. I've learned all the punches, head-butts and kicks - yet getting someone with my elbow is my first instinct."

Angelina, 32, and Brad, 44, are keen for their children to learn how to protect themselves when they get older - because the 'Tomb Raider' actress believes everyone gets into a fight at some point in their lives.

She said: "I think it's good for anybody to learn a skill when it comes to fight training - be it kung fu, boxing or kick-boxing. Brad and I want our kids to learn it. They're going to get into a fight some day, so they might as well learn how to take care of themselves."


New member
Sorry, I'm not great at rereading my typing for errors. What I meant by that was the celebrities and frontmen of the anti-gun movement, not specifically celebrity-celebrities.

Specifically, the people who are the most vocal faces of banning weapons, but also manage to live in gated communities with security, and presume to tell the rest of us outside those walls we cant be trusted with firearms, even to provide for our families safety.


New member
Specifically, the people who are the most vocal faces of banning weapons, but also manage to live in gated communities with security, and presume to tell the rest of us outside those walls we cant be trusted with firearms, even to provide for our families safety.
I agree. The president opposed carrying guns for self defense while he has a whole pack of armed secret service men a few feet away from him at all times. Doesn't Rosie O'Donnell have armed bodyguards? If somebody opposes guns for self defense I expect them to not be a hypocrite and not employ armed bodyguards or accept protection services from anybody who carries a gun.