Michael Moore at it again


New member
This is sort of off topic but as Moore is so anti-gun I thought it worth chancing the warth of the mods.

Michael Moore, AlterNet
Whoopin' the Taliban, bailing out corporate cronies, protecting
the NRA with the help of Big Sheriff John Aschroft -- hats off to
George, Jr. for a job well done!
Click here for the story

Huh. How funny. I was just ranting about this kind of whining in the General Discussion forum.

More ranting...

As far as I'm concerned, Michael Moore can kiss my patriotic, star-spangled, gun-toting, red-white-and-blue, freckled Irish American BUTT.

Personally, I don't give a damn about anything but destroying the monsters who killed thousands of my fellow Americans. I want them eliminated with extreme prejudice, with not a shred of mercy or remorse.

I want justice.

Screw the heroin. Screw the Northern Alliance. Screw being politically correct. Screw world opinion. Screw all those spineless sob sisters who are too worried about what "we did to make those poor men crash planes into those buildings". Screw them.


God bless America and the man who invented the Daisy Cutter.

Oh...did I say that out loud?



If they gave hunting licenses for idiotic jack@sses, MM's head would be on my trophy wall......:D

I'd use a bow.....and a 1lb broadhead....:cool:

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
That didn't take long. After 9/11, it was "I'm making a movie pushing gun control and thousands were just killed with box cutters. What am I doing?"

Now it's "Bush is protecting the NRA" and terrorists have easy access to guns. I guess we were right to be skeptical back then--he won't allow himself to know any better. He had the proof in hand and the solution in mind--well enough to speak it--but here he is back to his old ways. Pity him. The man is unable to change his mind.


New member
I saw this toad on some show a couple of years ago and he said he had been on welfare for several years. Now that he is so "successful" I think he should pay that money back. What a jerk this guy is. I remember the quote Don posted. Just makes me want to
