MI Gunman shoots 3 in office building


New member
Does everyone have a plan of escape from their office space? (In case something like this were to happen.)
A) Either haull *ss out the emergency exit. Realisticly, how often is a nutcare gona have someone on every emergency exit

B) grab the Mini-14 out of the case and get the cheesy lock off of it in about 3 seconds with my box cutter/smashing the lock on the counter and grab some ammo.

Plan A is probably going to be the most realistic one.
Well I am lucky enough to have quite a few emergency exits to choose from...at least 3 within 50ft. Sad to say, but me and some of my coworkers seriously have a signal for one another in case something goes down. (Sad in the sense that the workplace has come to this)


New member
A device that's very popular over in the UK, but seemingly unknown here, is the SmokeCloak.

It's a glycol-based smoke generator that'll fill up a showroom floor in seconds with smoke so thick you can't see your hand in front of your face.


This has several uses:

Firedrill training
Active shooter defense

The latter is the one relevant to this thread.

A gunman could have all the guns he can carry, but it does him no good if he can't move without falling over things he can't see, let alone any targets.

The first two uses are what you use to pitch it to management.


Everyone knows I carry at my work. I'm not allowed with them in the building, but no one asks questions.

After a shooting recently, an employee asked me if I still had one. I let him know it's in the car, and if anything happens, I'm breaking the window in my office out (only one floor), and getting to my car.


Gunman Opens Fire in Detroit-Area Office
Police Report One Dead, Two Wounded
TROY, Mich. (April 9) - A man suspected of shooting three people, killing one, at an accounting firm where he was fired last week was arrested after a high-speed chase a few hours after the Monday morning attack, authorities said.

Police said they had located Anthony LaCalamita, 38, on Interstate 75, north of the suburban Detroit office building where the shootings took place.

Sheriff's deputies and state police chased him for 30 miles, including through a construction zone, at speeds up to 120 mph before he finally pulled over after about 15 minutes, Genesee County Sheriff Robert J. Pickell said.

"He probably realized if he didn't, he was going to be shot," Undersheriff James Gage said.

LaCalamita said nothing after officers surrounded him, Pickell said, describing the suspect as "subdued. Very, very, very subdued."

Officers found a 12-gauge pump-action shotgun and three live shells in the vehicle, Pickell said. Witnesses said the shooter used a shotgun or a rifle, Troy police Lt. Gerry Scherlinck said.

Some witnesses told police that when the shooter walked into the office on the building's second floor around 10 a.m. Monday, he looked as if he was trying to hide something, Troy Police Chief Charles Craft said.

Police couldn't say how many shots were fired.

"I'm not positive all three of the people were targeted, but there appeared to be some purpose," Craft said.

The families of the two wounded men requested "total privacy," and the hospital would not release any details about their conditions, Beaumont Hospital spokeswoman Ilene Wolfe said. She said the third victim died on the way to the hospital.

LaCalamita was listed among the professional staff on the Web site of Gordon Advisors, a public accounting and business consulting firm in the building. Calls to Gordon Advisors were not answered Monday afternoon, and a recording said the offices were closed.

The 170,000-square-foot building houses a number of businesses, including law offices and the accounting firm. Police at first told workers to stay in their offices but a short time later evacuated the building, about 15 miles north of Detroit.

Bill Adgate, who works at LPL Financial inside the building, said he had hunkered down inside the office for a couple of hours with furniture pushed up against the door. He said police told the group to stay put until officers allowed them to leave.

"It's tough. I want to get out," Adgate said by telephone.

Associated Press writers Ron Vample and Jeff Karoub contributed to this story from Detroit.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.

I saw it earlier this morning on FOX about 10:00-30 central time. At that time he was barricaded in the office building and they were sending policemen and swat men in after him. How did he get out of the building and how did they find him going up I-75?


Except most corporate places of employment don't allow you to defend yourself.

If given the choice between getting fired or dying I'm gonna take getting fired. I have never seen a work place that has metal detectors with the exception of governments buildings and airports. What the company doesn't know.......won't hurt them.

Deaf Smith

New member

That looks good but what if you are the one trying to get out and can't see, and then you are falling over everything while a nutcase is spraying shots everwhere? Kind of a double edged sword.


New member
threegun does that statement also cover counties/states where they dont give out cc permits?what the government doesnt know doesnt hurt them?


New member
Actually there has been many more than 2 shootings in the last two weeks, those happen to be the only two you've heard about...


New member
You might not be able to escape, but if the guy can't find you, his shots are aimless and soaring over your head while you are presumably are hitting the deck. :)


New member
Actually my boss has a sabre on his wall. In the office environment - the shooter will probably have to get real close to shoot you (lots of corners and crevices to hide), might make a practical weapon if you could not escape.



threegun does that statement also cover counties/states where they dont give out cc permits?what the government doesnt know doesnt hurt them?

Kali, Again you are faced with a choice die or get fired in States with permits. The choice is a concealed weapon charge (misdemeanor in many states) and get fired or die in those states with no permit......still an easy choice for me. Remember the only way anyone will know (if done properly) is when your gun goes bang. For my gun to go bang it must be to save my life and then who cares about jail or a stinkin job at that moment.

I know many folks who carried prior to Florida's CWP permits and many who carried after the law but without a permit. I found myself having to make that decision while waiting for my permit of arrive (took 21/2 weeks to receive). It really sucks but when the alternative is death it is easy..


New member

I feel for you bro. Its tough to be in that circumstance.

I am just so happy that Virginia is a shall issue state.

But look on the bright side:

You can always get another job (If they get rid of you.).

But I doubt that you can hit reset and get another life. :rolleyes:

Good luck. Hope Cali changes soon.


Duxman, I'm in Florida and carry daily. Kalifornist is the one stuck in California. Heck my current employer allows us to carry openly. .