MG shoot in OKLAHOMA!!


New member
its that time again folks when us okies are allowed to cut loose once a year and shoot anything in front of us!!yes its OFASTS again,3rd weekend in june our MG shoot wayyyy up in NE oklahoma where dumocrats fear to tread!!ill be there spraying bullets and buckshott & slug!!anyone needs more info than their website gives let me know ill tell all!!!!if you want to shoot your guns(anything flintlock to artillery) sunday bring um plenty of room that day,see me on south side,i have shooting spot on firing line, bring chairs,ice chests,food,portable shade,ear&eye protection,money,junk you want shoot,(the crazy neighborhood kids car),cumputor monitor,etc.


New member
Oh ok, dumb question.:eek: (The neighborhood kid's car threw me off) I thought it was what they were shooting at not what they were shooting's OFASTS?


New member
Found it

In case you are interested - OFASTS is the Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot and Trade Show.

I guess I was the only one interested in knowing.