Mexican carry saves the day?


New member
here's an interesting account..

One guy started pistol-whipping my son. Then the other kid starting shooting,” Bacerra said, citing her son and his friend’s account.

The friend told the Herald Tuesday that Bourque struggled to pull his gun from his waistband but ended up firing through his clothes.
Tombs and Dipre died later. Bourque is hospitalized with wounds to his groin, wrist and chest.

Bourque’s mother said he got his gun permit four years ago for target shooting. “He defended himself. Thank God,” she said.

So this kid apparently killed two men by shooting through his pants.

I wonder whether Mexican carry helped or hurt in this situation.

This hinges on whether he'd have been able to draw from a proper holster. But maybe he couldn't have, and so the ability to shoot through his clothes saved him. I imagine that he pushed the pistol into his pants. He probably didn't fire with it under the waistband.


New member
Sounds like having the gun saved the day. It also sounds like Mexican carry may have delayed they gun's employment:
Bourque struggled to pull his gun from his waistband but ended up firing through his clothes.
Obviously there's not enough information here, but if those injuries to his groin are attributable to his being forced to fire through his clothes, then that's strike two against Mexican carry in this instance.

He had it on him. Why, I don’t know. His friends said he’s never had it on him.
I have to wonder if he did indeed have his gun on him regularly, and his friends just never knew. I can imagine my friends saying the same thing. This is as it should be.

Tucker 1371

New member
I had the same thought regarding the groin injuries as soon as I read that.

In GA it is illegal to carry without a holster

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Yeah, sounds too me like not using a holster was the problem not the answer. There should be no problems drawing from a proper holster. I also agree that the friends saying that he "never had it on him" means little or nothing. The majority of people that I know would say "I never knew he OWNED a handgun!"


New member
Yeah, sounds too me like not using a holster was the problem not the answer

+1 to Peetza's take. There isn't a lot of information, but I'd guess he had problems getting the gun out because it wasn't in a holster.

Mexican carry is a solution looking for a problem in my opinion.


New member
Not enough info here to tell for sure. It does sound like he wasn't wearing a holster, but just because the media didn't mention a holster doesn't mean there wasn't one.

If he was carrying sans holster, I sure hope his groin injuries were not self inflicted. Not enough info at all to judge what happened, but bottom line:

Good guy: 2 Bad guys:0


New member
For the record, I'm not advocating MC, just thought that this was an interesting incident where MC probably played a role. If you read the article, it does suggest that he'd just tucked the pistol into his waistband w/o a holster of any sort.