Metal Saiga-12 Magazines?

B. Lahey

New member
Does anyone make them?

I like the AGP mags fine, but would prefer something more sturdy, and if possible a little shorter. I'm not really concerned about the extra weight.

A US-made beefy metal 8-round Saiga 12 mag would be awesome.


New member
I saw a NIB 12 gauge yesterday for $529, I asked the dealer about more mags and he didn't have a clue so I didn't buy it.


New member
Saiga info:

I think some guys tried to make metal mags but found the idea un-workable.

I saw a NIB 12 gauge yesterday for $529, I asked the dealer about more mags and he didn't have a clue so I didn't buy it.

AGP 10 round mags:

Several other places carry the AGP, these guys have the best price I've found.

Factory 5 round mags:

2 round mags:

Aftermarket 5 round mags:

I like the mags. I've got 10 of them and all have worked perfectly. I tried the AGP 10 round mag and didn't care for it. It worked fine but I found it too long for my use.


New member
The metal drums blow. Do a search over at Saiga-12 to see their opinions. The MD Arms plastic drum is the only one that seems to work consistently without sending your gun in for mods specific to the metal drum. The MD drums are just now shipping, so time will tell if they hold up.


New member
RustyNuts said:
The metal drums blow. Do a search over at Saiga-12 to see their opinions. The MD Arms plastic drum is the only one that seems to work consistently without sending your gun in for mods specific to the metal drum. The MD drums are just now shipping, so time will tell if they hold up.
The Alliance Arms Wraithmaker drums suck big time.

You see, according to AA, all Saiga 12s are built out of spec by the factory.

If you want to use their drum, you'll need to send your Saiga 12 to them so they can "put it back into spec". This costs a couple hundred bucks and involves much grinding.

After they "fix it", you can no longer use factory or aftermarket stick mags in it - just their drum.

MD Arms drums fit any 12 gauge Saiga. They are a qualty product.


New member
My friend's troubleshooting(from Michigan):
The Alliance Arms Wraithmaker drums suck big time.
- problems with feedlips. Funny feeding outside the chamber. :cool:
MD Arms drums fit any 12 gauge Saiga. They are a qualty product.
- waiting since July 2007(prepaid) - where is the god damn drum???

Any option? Maybe maxrounds and their PowerMag700.
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New member
No metal Saiga 12 mags. Honestly the most sturdy mags you can get in the USA are the 5 round factory magazines. You can order 8 round russian factory mags from the UK and other different sources but they are expensive (over $100). Honestly the AGPs and Promags are sturdy enough, they have metal feed lips and a lifetime warranty. The surefires don't have the metal feed lips but seem tough enough. There have been reports of all but the factory mags failing with 3 inch mags in a fully loaded magazine.

The wraithmaker drums are pretty much an expensive door stop. The MD Arms drums are the way to go.


New member
My friend's troubleshooting(from Michigan):
The Alliance Arms Wraithmaker drums suck big time.
- problems with feedlips. Funny feeding outside the chamber.
MD Arms drums fit any 12 gauge Saiga. They are a qualty product.
- waiting since July 2007(prepaid) - where is the god damn drum???

Any option? Maybe maxrounds and their PowerMag700

Ahhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahaha. This is hilarious.

Let's look at what's going on here:

-Guy has 2 posts.
-Guy slams only 2 US drum manufacturers out there.
-Guy speaks of the Max Rounds drum.
-Guy's username is "Max_drum".
-Guy's only other post says:
"For sporting purpose we use Powermag 700 made by . No problem with ammo up to 3''

It's pretty obvious you are either the owner of, or an employee of Max Rounds. You tried to hawk your drum on the Saiga forums (going against forum policy) and your post was wiped out.

I like your not-so subtle approach to marketing:rolleyes:.

I'm LOL'ing.


New member
It is common knowledge that Wraithmaker drums are only useful as doorstops and the MD Arms drums work as advertised. He is lying about not receiving MD arms drums though as they have had many batches out the door. If you order today you will get a drum in 3 weeks or so.

I assume maxrounds Saiga shotgun drums are crap also because they are Wraithmaker drums and as Max_Drum said wraithmaker suck so ergo maxround drums suck.
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New member
OK, sorry for misunderstanding.
I took part of sentence from ID nalioth without quote.
MD? I'll find and post bills.