Message from K-Mart!!!!!!


New member
I got this back from K-Mart :barf:!!! Let the boycott bring them down!!! :mad:

Thank you for contacting Kmart. Kmart Corporation recognizes the responsibility
which comes with selling firearms of any kind and has extensive procedures and
training in place for all store employees.
Kmart Corporation confirms that it is in the process of phasing out the sale of
handgun ammunition in the continental U.S. The business plan calls for this
process to be complete within the next 90 days.
The sale of firearms and ammunition through Kmart stores has been under review
as part of the merchandising strategy of the company?s new executive team for
some time. The company will continue to carry a limited selection of sporting
firearms and related products.



They might as well just have a storewide clearence sale. Just about all they'll be able to sell now will be poster boards and magic markers to the anti's.


New member
I haven't been to K'mapart since the days when Rosie O'donnell was a spokesperson, guess I won't bother going any time soon either.


New member
The 2 Kmarts in my town aren't worth visiting even if I wanted to shop in them. They are poorly managed, understaffed and carry nothing that I want. I'm glad they are dying out in my town. The only people who frequent them are folks who have always shopped Kmart "just because". Kmart hasn't seen a dime of my money in many years, and it will stay that way.

Good Shooting


New member
Our local K-mart went out of business and closed their doors right after the Rosie thing. Would like to think that us gun owners from our local club had a lot to do with it, but I doubt it.


A lot of folks thinks I'm a dumb redneck..

Went to kmart after they published their "decision" and "bought" about 1000 dollars worth of stuff. I had their people haul it up to the cashier and they rang it up. After the rang it, I "decided" to get a few more high priced items (that they had to haul up). After they did all the ring ups, I took out my Visa and then said, "hey, didn't your store just go anti-gun?" and then said, "I really can't buy this stuff from my enemies, I'll go to wally world".

I can never shop at kmart anymore via managers orders :D . Like I really care.

I know, it's not "their fault" (the employees) but if they really cared they would have walked.



New member
Before I even finished reading this thread, I picked up my phone and called my local KMart. Asked to speak to a manager.

"This is Christina, howmayihelpyou?"

"Christina, are you the store manager?"

"I'm an assistant, howmayihelpyou?"

"Well, I wanted to let you know -- I sent an email to the national folks but I wanted to let the local store know personally -- I'm no longer shopping at your store, not for anything."

"And why is that?"

"Because of the handgun ammunition thing. It would have been all right if they had made a business decision not to carry the stuff because it wasn't selling. But to make a political statement to the national media about it, means I have to make a political statement with my dollars too. I will not shop at your store any more."

"I'm sorry to hear that..."

"And, you should know, I have five growing children. I used to shop there for clothes quite often, you guys have great sales. But you're right next door to WalMart, and I'll take my business to them from now on. Please make sure and pass this message along to the other managers."

"I'll do that. Thankyouverymuch." <click>

Duty done.
