Meprolite's Front Sight on the Ruger SP101


New member
For some time now I have had the urge to try a Meprolite front sight on my little Ruger SP101. This is a dandy little .357 but was cursed with a factory front sight that was both too short, and hard to see in all but the best light. The gun shot high and required a LOW 6 o'clock sight pic for 25 yard shooting. Per Brownells tech desk the Meprolite would be a few thousandths taller than my stock sight, thereby solving both problems.

I finally ordered one and the install is pretty straightforward if you're handy with tools- and follow the instructions. The scariest part is drilling the new sight, using the pinhole in your barrel rib as a drill guide. It can however be done with patience and perfectly straight drill feed. A word to the wise here- drills vary just a tad so be sure your sight pin will pass through the hole you just drilled in the new sight, BEFORE you try to pin it in the barrel rib. I bent my pin a little on the first attempt and had to remove the sight and 'hog' the hole out before proceeding. Luckily the Loctite Red hadn't set yet.

Here is a very un-glamorous shot of the little gun with the sight installed.. hey, this is a working gun that gets carried in a cheap holster:


...and here's what you see if you throw the gun up in a first-class hurry-


It's a given that the Meprolite was easier to see in any light and being a night sight, the gun is now entirely usable in 'low to no' light as well. It'll do just fine in close encounters of the worst kind. Still, I am one of those old dinosaurs who thinks that even belly guns should be able to engage miscreant's noggins at 25+ yards. I probably hold this opinion because few of the gunsmoke picnics I have studied or attended followed any of those 'statistics' you read so much about. I wouldn't rest until I knew that the new sight would regulate for the longer distances.

Early shooting with the Meprolite indicated we were just a shade low at 25 yards. A good deal of this is because this old dog has been blocking the sights square for about 35 years. Finally it occurred to me that in a pinch I would use the dot/groove just like a shotgun bead, so I started planting the dot and just blazing away. I also shaved a few thousandths off the top of the sight, taking great care not to thin it out too much over the light tube.

Then I shot it again, DA at 25 yards, using this 'shotgun bead' method and firing as quicky as the dot aligned and realigned in the bull. I used reloads approximating the .38 'FBI Load' and a full-snort 125 grain magnum. The results looked like this:


Hmmm... I think we might be onto something here. I'd claim those for 25 yard DA groups even if I was using a K38, instead of a fixed-sight .357 snub;)

Finally, I tacked up an old Diet Coke 12-pack box on it's end; this presents a target just under 5" wide and 16" tall. This loosely translates to between the "8's" vertically and well within the "9's" horizontally, on a B27 target. I turned and walked off, and when I passed to 50 yard stake I turned and rolled off five rounds of the 158 grain reload, double action, at the upright box. When I returned to it I was amazed to find that four round had hit it.

My confidence level with this little gun has shot up considerably.


New member
Thanks for that post...........and the sight picture of the sight. I've been considering this sight but haven't taken the plunge yet. Looks good.........and practical. Much better.

Charles S

New member
I had PT night sights put a night sight on mine SP101 and I have been exceedingly happy with the results. Overall a great carry gun.


Charles S

New member
The holster is an older Blade Tech IWB holster that has proven very durable, very comfortable, and is fast for a concealment holster. The holster has adjustable loops for belts from 1 1/4 to 1 3/4 and is adjustable from strait cant to the FBI cant.

I do highly recommend their products.


I am very impressed! I have been contemplating a second snubby in .357 to complement my S&W Model 36. The Ruger is a contender for sure.



Well, that settles it. All the SPs down in the safe have to get that sight. Thanks much for the excellent info and the great pics to accompany your 'piece'.