Member survey: What political groups do/would you monetarily support?

simonov jr

New member
What pro-gun, pro-freedom political groups DO you send money to when you can, eg NRA, GOA, Judicial Watch? What groups WOULD you send money too if you had MORE to donate? When you give, do you give any thought to tax deductions? Finally, which groups make the best USE of contributions?


New member
Not counting "Round-up" donations...

CA Rifle & Pistol Assoc.
Citizens of America
Gun Owners of Calif.
Gun Owners of America

Not in any special order, but I rarely donate to the same one 2x in a row. I try to donate 10% of what I spend on gun stuff. I generally come pretty close! :D


New member
Gun Owners of America
Law Enforcement Alliance of America
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Thinking about Civil Liberities Defense Foundation.


New member
Membership in:
Michigan Coalition of Responsible Gun Owners

In lieu of sending extra money, I recruit new members.


New member
I donate $25 or more every payday (twice a month). I try to rotate and also try to find more worthwile groups to dontate to. Right now I donate to the NRA, the GOA, and when the Civil Liberties Defense Foundation sends me something, I answer with a check (they are the group sueing the cities, that are sueing the gun manufacturers for disruption of interstate commerce). I also suppport The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Ducks Unlimited.


New member
NRA, Libertarian Party, libertarian candidates (separate from LP funds), Freedom from Religion, NORML, GOA, JPFO, VCDL, Pink Pistols and a few pro-choice groups.

Some of the above groups get money only, some money and time and some just time but, since time is money, I consider it all financial support.


New member
Member of and make special donations to:

TSRA (Texas State Rifle Ass'n)
NMLRA (National Muzzle Loading Rifle Ass'n)

Also support individuals:

Ron Paul
Suzanna Hupp
JC Watts


New member

During the election I sent a nice sum of money to the RNC, which I feel morally inclined to support. Problem is now I receive a monthly statement to send more money. I now just want then to leave me alone, please!

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I may join GOA-UT... Sarah does a killer job for us here in Utah and she needs some backing... If you want contact info I'll get it to you.


New member
Libertarian Party
Ron Paul
Ron Paul
Ron Paul

If I had more, I'd give more to Ron Paul.


New member
In the year 2000:

National Rifle Association
Gun Owners of America (Life)
Second Amendment Foundation
Second Amendment Sisters (Associate)
Mothers Arms
Civil Liberties Defense Foundation
Citizens of America
Oregon Firearms Federation
George W. Bush for President
John Hostettler for House of Rep. (no, I'm not from IN)

In 2001:

I hope to add JPFO

I don't consider tax deductions when I donate--I normally do it because I'm mad as hell at somebody for trying to take away my rights. As a result I think I am now on everybody's sucker list. :)

simonov jr

New member
Holy cow!

You guys are unbelievable. I can list NRA-ILA, Judicial Watch and SAF. I'm really impressed with the level of support here...I wonder if you all are the exception or the rule?


New member
NRA including for my wife and 3 children
California Republican Party
I also have given to a couple of individuals. MWT


Moderator Emeritus
National Rifle Association
NRA Institute for Legislative Action
Gun Owners of America
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
Second Amendment Sisters
Ohioans for Concealed Carry
North American Hunting Club (thanks to Johns50AE) :)

Coming next month (hopefully): Application for membership in the Ohio Gun Collectors Association.

Future Possibilities:
Civil Liberties Defense Foundation
Second Amendment Foundation