Media prevarication: Sandy Hook father heckled at firearms hearing


New member
The media is saying that this father of one of the victims of Sandy hook was "heckled" during his testimony.

Fox News has the full clip of the video where the man actually calls for an answer from those in attendance and then decries the lack of a response from them. It is at that point that those in attendance started stating reasons that they need the type of firearms which he had inquired about.

see the clip HERE

While this man deserves respect the audience was not disrespectful in the least.


New member
I listened to the full tape and the edited version. I am not sure what is going on with NBC and the other news outlets lately. They are editing stories to get their agenda across and there is no accountability. NBC should be ashamed of themselves. They have done this with several stories the past few months and of course the public buys into it.


New member
I agree the story appears to be misrepresented, but generally in those types of forums the audience is not supposed to respond to the speakers. I know he asked “anyone in the room”, but he was asking a rhetorical question and not really looking for a response.

As for the media misrepresenting something – surprise! We need to be careful how we conduct this debate and how we represent ourselves. If not we just may inadvertently give the anti-gun crowd the image or sound bite they need.


New member
I know he asked “anyone in the room”, but he was asking a rhetorical question and not really looking for a response.

...except that he turned to the audience and invited a response. Rhetorical or not, he got what he asked for.


New member
As the names of the main Communist newspaper and the main Soviet newspaper, Pravda and Izvestia, meant "the truth" and "the news" respectively, a popular Russian saying was "v Pravde net izvestiy, v Izvestiyakh net pravdy" (In the Truth there is no news, and in the News there is no truth).
Funny how times change isn't it?:rolleyes:

Metal god

New member
Yes you are correct in the rhetorical question and if he had left it at that , no body should say anything . After asking the rhetorical question he then said see nobody can answer that question . When he used the follow up statement he in effect was no longer asking a rhetorical question and IMO challenging the audience and thats what got the response .


New member
What matters with successful propaganda is not the truth, but the impression that is left behind. Obviously those gun banners in the media understood that the editing job they created was not only wrong, misleading, but an out and out lie. But hundreds of millions saw it, believe that nasty, rude, gun owners are badgering grieving parents, and that impression is the one they will carry to the voting booth.

Gun banners in the media are going to continue to demonize gun owners with lies till your firearms are confiscated.

What did you expect, honesty?


New member
You are surprised that the main stream media lies?
The media for the most part is an arm of the demoncrat party. They show time and time again that they don't report the news they fabricate the news.
Hell, how many times do we see reporters acting like the storm is about to blow them away, only to have a bunch of kids come jumping through the shot?
Our nation is going down hill very quickly and it is because of the media pushing an agenda.


New member
As said that is what our current media, with obviously the exception of Fox, does.

I feel for the guy. I can't imagine his pain but his blame is misplaced as we here well know.

Too bad someone didn't say, "Someone should have been there to guard your son's school with one of those weapons. That would have been one excellent use, just ask President Obama how secure he feels knowing his children have armed guards at their school."


New member
Only one way to hurt the media, do what I do. Cancel your network accounts. The closest I come to giving them any money is checking articles/events on-line.

They get a hit, but not a dime.


New member
I am not sure what is going on with NBC and the other news outlets lately

Seriously? The lamestream media have been lying to and manipulating the American public for decades. They're absolutely shameless about it.

Positively the most corrupt and hypocritrical game in town.


New member
NBC is being sued by George Zimmerman for this exact stunt while "reporting" on the shooting he was involved in. I know they hve deep pockests, but I hope he reaches in and takes a big handful.