Media persuaded?

James K

Member In Memoriam
According to today's Washington Post, TV networks have cut a deal with the White House and agreed to show anti-drug themes in their "entertainment" shows in return for not having to run the anti-drug commercials Congress appropriated money for. They can now sell that time to commercial advertisers.

Fuss is being stirred up about whether the TV moguls sold out freedom of speech and about what amounts to WH control of TV shows.

While anti-gun themes have long been a staple on TV, will we see more as the WH gets more "script approval"?

Will we see comic shows with canned laughter as someone says "I might vote Republican"?

Will we see shows with characters saying, "You know, we should give Bill a third term; maybe he should call off the election"?

Or a doctor operating on a GSW victim saying, "It's about time we scrapped the old constitution with a congress and all those rights and let Bill Clinton take over as our ruler"?

Anyone who considers WH censorship a good idea for "the war on drugs" better think again.

Another President might have TV characters laughing at social security, or abortion, or minority rights.

I don't like the media liberals any better than most of the people who might read this. But the idea that the WH is going to control what is on TV scares the **** out of me.


Paul Revere

New member

The more I speak with people about politics, the more the subject of a biased and connected media comes up. We (gun owners) are not alone in our thoughts about this conspiracy between government and the major networks.

It's not just gun owners who see this blatant connection of cause and effect (defined as propaganda). However, most folks have been brainwashed into avoiding the use of the word "conspiracy". When they hear it being used in the context of this evident connection between government and media, they swallow hard and quietly agree.

But the same media who will enforce their government approved anti-gun message, also surpresses the evidence of such an obvious conspiracy. Moreover, it demonizes those who'd even verbalize such thoughts. This is the very reason so many gun owners attempt to distance themselves from such conversations, because they've been lead (by the cerebral cortex) to believe such thoughts are akin to "domestic terrorism", "bubbaism", or "right-wing fanaticism", and which is indeed out of touch with main stream intellectualism.

Solution: At this point in time, don't let it (media propaganda) be a part of your or your family's life. Turn the boob-tube off, use newspapers to clean up puppy poop, and be selective about what you read. Realize that this propaganda movement is bigger than your personal abilities to stop it. Re-read this...
...and understand that sooner or later, we will regain our freedom, because there are literally millions of "us" ready to take it back.

Futo Inu

New member
How does industry cut a deal with the WHITE HOUSE over something that CONGRESS passed?!? Something is way wrong when our President thinks he makes the laws, esp. when he gets away with it.


New member
Futo Inu, Clinton gets away with everything his diseased little mind comes up with. With his willing assistants in the media, why wouldn't he?

Does anyone really thinks he gave a rat's a** about being impeached? It meant about as much to him as the original intent of the Constitution does. We are all here to serve and service (the women anyway) him. He's the kid-who-always-got-away-with-every-prank-he-ever-pulled all grown up. If there was ever a case for teaching kids to tell the truth and to be responsible for their deeds, Clinton is it.

No matter what source you get your news from, you can't just ingest it without some critical thinking. To think otherwise is an invitation for control by others.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.