Media bias, ignorance, or the result of anti- programming?

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Seems a Marine asked some teens to quiet down at a movie. They got rowdy, and management ejected them. Seems they hung out in the parking lot, and jumped the Marine and his wife when they walked out of the theater.,0,1968167.story

Notice that in the article, the reporter states:
The couple was kicked and punched in the parking lot before a gun-brandishing witness told the crowd to step back just before deputies arrived.


The Sentinel allows comments to be added to the website. Many posters noted the choice of language, and took exception to it. Most seem to agree that the good Samaritan exercised lawful defense of the couple under attack, which is not remotely the same as brandishing.

It makes me wonder, though, if the reporter meant those words the way they were written (bias) or simply didn't realize the implications of what he wrote (ignorance). It also makes me wonder how many others out there may not realize they've been programmed to use negative language any time the subject of firearms comes up.

It could be bias, ignorance, or Orwellian mind-control through language.


New member
A good portion of the media is totally anti gun and I would be willing to bet never have actually fired a gun in there lives and have no training.

Ignorance is bliss and its a self supporting position when you dont do any research or take the time to find out what guns can and cannot do and whats involved, for most media thats just way too much to ask.

I love the 30000 people die by guns each year thing and yet they leave out that in any given average year about 11,000 of these are sucides and not the result of violence. I also get a kick out of it becuse your more likely to die by some sort of house hold cleaner poisoning than a gun even if you leave the 11,000 sucides in the count.

Antis dont do any research, its all a emotional appeal.


New member
Media bias, ignorance, or the result of anti- programming?


All of the above.

IMO, "the media" views itself as nothing more than an instrument of Leninist policies, and private ownership of firearms is not a part of the party platform.


New member
It makes me wonder, though, if the reporter meant those words the way they were written (bias) or simply didn't realize the implications of what he wrote (ignorance).

I wonder the same thing whenever I turn on MSNBC (which is rare).

It can't always be ignorance though. At some point, after so many complaints, they(the reporter or the editor) have to know what they are saying. So much of their business is words and semantics. They may be ignorant but they are not stupid.


New member
As stated the anti gun mentality is rampant within the media. Sadly to say it is also that way with many of the public also.

Many of you may remember an incident that happened at Texas A&M University a month or so ago. A campus bus driver saw a student entering a building with what he described as an AK-47 assault rifle. The campus was immediately locked down and the search was on for the AK-47 carrying student. After a while it was determined that the student was a Cadet and was returning to his dorm with an unloaded AR-15 (AK-47:rolleyes:).

Shortly thereafter another student placed on the campus web site a layman’s guide to identifying an AK-47. First photo was a Volkswagen Beetle with the "AK-47" caption beneath it. Second photo was the campus mascot with that same caption beneath it. You can see where this is going, and it was quite hilarious when my son showed it to me.



New member
Teenagers? Sure. Unruly? Ofcourse.

Simply unruly teenagers? No way.

Not thugs who wait to beat someone after not appreciating the fact that others payed their hard earned to enjoy a movie.

Good thing the "criminal brandishing a gun":rolleyes: stepped in.
Otherwise the "reporter" (now how is that for a euphemism) might
have had to report on some random mugging where a war veteren died
with wife in tow. Being the lesser of two evils and done to just boost circulation perhaps.

It's not even a case of liberal bias anymore, it's something much worse.
Smells much like oppurtunism.

Calling it anti-gun is doing these people a favour. Definately anti-citizen in nature. Cutting my rant off now, MLeake nailed it in the opening post.
These journalists conveniently serve up terms without any real meaning to them. Hiding under the flag of journalistic intent to further debate and the like.
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Glenn E. Meyer

New member
No offense to the OP but complaining about press inaccuracy isn't really that gun related even though guns were used. In many media domains, they don't know what they are talking about and left and right wing biases lead to idiocy - as we see from our politicians. So, that being said - Closed.
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