Me, a Glock


New member
Traded off my last .40 today as I just couldn't find a niche for them as I prefer 9mm & .45 for my semi's. I took in trade a Glock 19 with 3 mags and holster as it made economic sense on my part. It still feels strange in my hand but I am going to give it a fair outing before I pass judgment either way. It's a 3rd generation with the finger grooves and I think that adds to the weird feeling grip - in my opinion.

No, I'm not ready to bow to Gaston's alter by any means; however, they sell well if I don't warm to it. May go to the range today to give it a dance as I also have a few others I need to shoot, like my Dan Wesson .357 snub...


Officer's Match

New member
If your gonna' try a Glock, the 19 is a great place to start. I find that while the grip is different, for me it is firmer and stays on target for rapid fire better. Probably reduces "limp wristing" as well.

Moe Howard

New member
I am by no means a Glock fan but I did have a G19 once and it was by far my personal favorite of all the Glocks I have shot. I always have to overcome the grip angle on Glocks but the 19/23 frame is the easiest for me to work with. Enjoy your new toy.


New member
Give it some time, you might like it. I've found that my compact glocks point the most naturally of any handguns that I've shot. It doesn't take too long to get used to it, even if you've been shooting a 1911 or a 357 snub.


I can't stand the feel of bare plastic as a grip. I cover my Glocks' grips with Agrip! Also don't like the "standard" factory trigger pull. I go with aftermarket connectors.


New member
Can't beat a G19 honestly.

Takes severe abuse, and always works. Easy to carry size and weight.

For me it is a natural grip angle. I shoot Isosceles, so the grip angle is correct. Those that shoot Weaver-only find the angle too aggressive. But for me the Glock is not a target pistol (Weaver), it is a defensive tool, so i practice on the range in the proper defensive stance.

Extend your arm, point your finger.

Now put a Glock in your hand and do the same.

You'll be looking at nearly perfectly aligned sights on the target. The Glock is designed for point-shooting, and follows the flow of your arm to your index finger.


New member
I bought a Glock 26 yesterday... the only reason I didn't get the 19 is because I already have a Springfield XD9 4" which is essentially the same thing as far as size. I put a mag extension (+1) on the 26 and its very comfortable (feels like a 19 grip now) and ultra concealable. I can't wait to break it in tomorrow!


New member
Last summer I had to do a "firing evaluation" of a G17. To duplicate the event I had to shoot it pretty fast out to 73 yards or so. Now, I've never liked their grip angle, sproingy trigger or sights- but I do have to admit that I was amazed at both how easy and how well I could hit with this gun, even at the farthest distance.

If I were limited to the 9mm I would seriously have to consider one of these.


New member
Just out of curiosity Sarge... in what situation would you need to use a handgun out to 73 yards?

I know for a normal civilian this would never be the case, but it seems like you have a particular reason... just wondering what that would be.



I'm not Sarge, but I do practice out to 100 yds with my handguns, every time I go to the range. When might I need such skills? Any time somebody's shooting at me from 100 yds! You'll also find that shooting @ small targets @ 100 yds. will make targets @ 40 yds and under seem a lot larger. :)


New member
Well, I owned this one about 12 hours. I was going out to my FFL to pick up a revolver today and I mentioned the G19. He told me to bring it along as he was looking for one and had a lot of trading material. I left with a NIB Kahr CW45 and a free transfer for both guns. He's happy and so am I. The Glocks sure sell/trade fast I'll say that for them.

Seriously I think I probably would have kept it but for the finger grooves - they just didn't line up for me...


New member
Dear Glock 19, I hardly knew you. Love NGIB

That's about the fastest relationship of a G19 I have heard of.
You barely had time to take a picture...:eek:

Well you have your memories :(


New member
No bash here, I'm glad you got what makes you happy because that's what matters.

You could not pay me to own any Kahr. Might be one of the worst triggers ever. And ridiculously heavy for the size.


New member
You could not pay me to own any Kahr. Might be one of the worst triggers ever. And unrealiztically heavy for the size.

True, the all steel Kahr's are pretty heavy (have one) but the poly ones are light and very concealable. I disagree on the trigger as the 3 I have are smooth as silk...


New member
I am the investigator for a prosecuting attorney. The G17 firing evaluation was done in relation to a criminal case. Defense attorneys come up'creative' assertions about what their clients were shooting at when the bullets landed somewhere else; guns that mysteriously 'malfunction', shooting people and things of their own volition, etc. ad nauseum. Occasionally it falls to me, if you'll excuse the pun, to 'shoot those assertions full of holes'. This was one of those occasions.

But long before I was a cop I was a sixgunner; a disciple of Keith, Skelton, Askins and company. Most of my life I have lived in places remote enough to accommodate proving that what those gentlemen wrote was not only possible, it was well within reach of anyone with decent vision, a steady hand, and the willingness to push yourself beyond what conventional wisdom says is possible.

100 yards is only the beginning for an accurate handgun. Whether or not the ability to place hits at long range is relevant to the defensive use of the handgun is dependent upon a lot of things. From the criminal law perspective, you are either justified in the use of deadly force or you are not. The tools used in your defense have no bearing on that equation.*

From a civil law perspective, the tools might have a bearing; but many states are enacting civil protections as a part of their Defense Justification, particularly if Castle Doctrine forms the framework of that law.*

What is without question is that attaining this ability cannot hurt your shooting at any distance. This is still America (I think- I haven't clicked on the news for awhile) and Just Because I WANT To is still plenty of reason for me.

*It is up to YOU and YOU ALONE to educate yourself on the prevailing law in YOUR locality.