ME 303British projectile.

Big Bunny

New member
I own a converted Martini-Enfield to .303BR(nom .312") new barrel 1913.
I have been experimenting with larger than normal projectiles due to normal wear on a probably originally oversize bore.
Re-lining is a too expensive option. Slugging the bore has been un-successful due to lack of suitable material. I do not cast linotype myself.Ther appears to be enough rifling left except right at the muzzle, but that might have been done to protect the crown with muzzle- end cleaning mandetory .

Light .32 pistol bullets in .315" are poor performers and the usual cast 303 bullets of heavier weight ditto, as are the usual 311'" to 312" FMJs witch hit the target side-on at 50M.

Could an 8mm(7.92mmm German) be an option as they are nice and long/heavy and may be now suitable as regards bore size and match the rifling twist ?

All comments accepted, as I genuinely want to shoot this 1885 vintage firearm, which has been refurbished from original new parts, bayonet procures from Jansa in Sydney and gunsmith checked. The barrel is the only let-down with the ancient corrosive cordite and mercuric primers used then not helping of course !


Try finding someone who has an 00-loaded buckshot shell that they would let you have.

00 pellets might be large enough for you to do a suitable bore slugging.

Beware the man with the S&W .357 Mag.
Chances are he knows how to use it.

Cordite wasn't corrosive, it was errosive. The high flame temperatures actually burned, rather than rusted, the steel out of the barrels.

Mercuric primers aren't a problem, it is the corrosive component, potassium chlorate, in them that ARE the problem. The mercury attacks the case brass, but not the barrel steel.

The potassium chlorate attacks the steel through its residue attracting water, causing rusting, but it doesn't affect the brass.

The old primers would get you coming AND going! :)

Beware the man with the S&W .357 Mag.
Chances are he knows how to use it.

Big Bunny

New member
Thanks fellas for the info.

Good of you to reply so quickly.

I have some 10lb of SSG/00 buck so will try that as a 310"( cap n' ball blackpowder) was useless for slugging....but got a good polish anyway !

Will let FL know the outcome next week.

Good shooting ! BB.

Big Bunny

New member
Yes - used the soft SG shotgun, slug as suggested on FL - but it came out like a Lane's 'Cat-slug' -IE too smooth!

No deep rifling as such showed up clearly on the slug using a X5 magnifier, so the Martini-Enfield refurbishment/experiment points definitely towards re-lining the barrel with a surplus 303BR barrel ($95Aud) machined down and fitted by a gunsmith.

Thanks for everyone's its back to the savings account ! BB

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