Md. Candidate Unveils Gun Control Ad


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Md. Candidate Unveils Gun Control Ad

ANNAPOLIS, Md.- Democratic gubernatorial candidate Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend unveiled a new advertisement Friday slamming her opponent's record on gun control, and rebuffed immediate criticism that she was politicizing the sniper shootings.

In the 30-second ad airing in the Washington-area television market, Townsend also took Republican Rep. Robert Ehrlich to task for his votes in Congress on education and environmental issues.

A voice in the ad says Ehrlich voted "against banning assault weapons and cheap handguns" while the viewer is shown a row of high-powered rifles and a man pulling a handgun from his pocket.

Polls indicate that most residents of Montgomery County support gun control. The county is the state's most populous and a critical region in the tightly contested gubernatorial race.

When asked about the shootings this past week, both candidates said they would prefer not bringing politics into the issue. Earlier this week, Townsend aides said the lieutenant governor would hold off on running ads that mentioned guns until an arrest was made.

Ehrlich spokesman Paul Schurick criticized the decision to run the ad, saying it was "shameful that anyone would try to use these tragedies for political gain."

"Now's the time to lay off; there's people burying loved ones," Schurick said.

Townsend spokesman Peter Hamm defended the ad, explaining that gun issues were already a part of the campaign - and likely would continue to be even if the shootings had not occurred.

"I don't think that the Maryland people think it's shameful to point out really the difference between the two candidates running for governor on important matters of public policy that are debated all the time," Hamm said.

Hamm also noted that Rep. Connie Morella, a moderate Republican who represents Montgomery County, has been running ads the past two weeks touting her gun-control record. Schurick countered that Morella's ad was significantly different in tone because it expressed her position, and not her opponent's.

Townsend supports most forms of gun control. As a congressman, Ehrlich voted in 1996 to repeal an assault weapon ban passed two years earlier.



New member
KKT has been part of the most anti-gun state government in history (Californians may disagree) so hitting on Erilch's stand on firearms or her additional anti-gun proposals in answer to the recent events in the MD-DC-VA area should not come as a surprise to anyone. It is unfortunate that these recent tragic events may change the minds of the currently undecided and swing a very close election to her. It's no fun being a gun owner in MD now and if she gets elected I'm sure the wimps in the MD General Assembly will back every piece of anti-gun legislation she asks for.

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
It never takes the leftist extremists any time to try to capitalize on the behavior of criminals by screeching for the disarmament of law-abiding American citizens. What parasites!


New member
I've seen the figure 20,000+ gun laws in the country. Does anybody know how many Maryland has already? Be a good counter-argument by her opposition.

It should also be pointed out that one guy was shot while an officer with flashing lights was just yards away. So much for the "You don't need guns, the police will protect you" argument. (This is not a dig at the police - the shooter is either a loon or brazen as Hell.)


New member
Over 300 gun laws in Md. Also worth noting that Md is in the top three states with the "toughest" gun laws in the country.:barf:
