MD- 5 Murdered in Montgomery Co in last 15 hours

Mike in VA

New member
There's a shooting spree ongoing in Montgomery County MD. Starting last night, 5 people have been gunned down in apparent random incidents along major thoroughfares in the county. Police are completely baffled, have asked local news organizations to have their helo's lookout for an isuzu box truck.

Tthis is particularly ironic in view of the current political campaign for MD's 8th district where gun control is a big issue. MD currently ranks first in roberies and fourth in murders nationally (according to the CBS channel 9), and both the incumbent (Connie Morella-R) and the Democrappy challenger are strongly anti self defense.

When are these morons going to learn that it's criminal control and law enforcement that stops this stuff, not more stupid laws. Disarming innocent people does not protect them -

As a side note, there has also been a string of break-ins at gun shops in Montgomery and Prince Georges counties, and the stolen guns have been popping up all around DC.

So much for the efficacy of some of the most stringent gun control laws in the country.

Fight crime - shoot back!

edited for typos M2
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Baron Holbach

New member
Mike, do you have a link to the latest news covering the killing spree in Maryland? I can recall reading a recent Washington Post news item in the Metro section reporting a burglary at Schelin's gun shop in College Park (Prince George's County), where 12 guns were stolen. The reporter wrote that the cops were worried about getting the guns off the street but did not mention any worry about capturing the burglars.

Mike in VA

New member
It's on TV now, . All appear random, no attento to race or sex, shot a cabbie refueling, woman sitting on a bench, , black guy at shoppping center, hispanic guy mowing, no sense to it at all.

Local schools are now locked down, no outside recess, all field trips cancelled, no open lunch. Kids are held at school until picked up by parent or authorized gaurdian.

Pray for the victims.

10:55 Cops on camera are recommending that you go about your business, but pay attention to your surroundings. If you see the suspect truck, leave it alone and call 9-1-1.

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


New member
well i just advised a couple of office mates where to buy Remington 870s..

Apparently Random Shootings In Maryland Kill 5
Shootings Happen Within 15 Hours

POSTED: 10:34 a.m. EDT October 3, 2002
UPDATED: 11:08 a.m. EDT October 3, 2002

Police in Montgomery County, Md., are trying to determine if they have an apparent shooting spree on their hands.

Montgomery County police spokeswoman Capt. Nancy Demme told reports that police are "an ongoing crime that we have not experienced before."

Demme said starting Wednesday night about 5:20, there was a shot fired at the Northgate Shopping Center, but no one was hit. Then less than an hour later in the parking lot of a Shoppers Food Warehouse in Wheaton, Md., Demme said, another shot was fired killing a 55-year-old man.

Then at 7:41 this morning, in the 1100 block of Rockville Pike, in Rockville, Demme said a Hispanic male operating a lawn mower was shot and killed and at 8:12 at the Mobile gas station at Aspen Hill Road and Connecticut Avenue, also in Rockville, a man was pumping gas when he was shot and killed.

Demme said at 8:37 a Hispanic woman was shot and killed while sitting on a bench outside a post office in the 3700 block of Rossmore Boulevard in Silver Spring.

Demme said as she was preparing to update reporters, another shooting was reported at Connecticut Avenue and Knowles Street at a Shell gas station, and a person there is also dead.

Police said they are looking for two men in a Isuzu type vehicle, a box truck with black lettering on it with damage to the rear-lift door.


New member
Manhunt Underway After Five Shot and Killed in Mont. Co.
By 9 News

Aspen Hill MobilMontgomery County Police say five people have been shot and killed in the last 18 hours. Police Chief Charles Moose says he "strongly believes" the incidents are related. Moose also says the victims were apparently picked at random.
* Here's the sequence of events according to county police:
At 5:20 pm Wednesday, a window was shot out at the Michaels store in the Northgate Shopping Center in Aspen Hill. No injuries were reported.

Around 6 pm Wednesday night, a 55-year-old man was shot and killed outside a Shoppers Food Warehouse in Wheaton.
At 7:41 am Thursday, a Hispanic man on a lawn mower was shot and killed near the 11,400-block of Rockville Pike.
At 8:12 am, at the Aspen Hill Mobil, a cab driver was shot and killed while he was filling his cab with gas at Connecticut and Aspen Hill Roads.
At 8:37 am, a 30 to 35-year-old Hispanic woman was shot and killed while sitting on a park bench outside the post office in the Leisure World Shopping Center.
At 9:58 am, a woman was shot and killed cleaning out her car at the Shell station at Connecticut and Knowles. 9 News Reporter Dave Statter at the scene says the woman was vacuuming out her mini- van when she was shot. Witnesses say they heard a bang, and noticed the woman was underneath her car.
* Supect Car Description
Police are asking people to be on the lookout for a white Isuzu or Mitsubishi delivery-box-type truck, with small black letters on it and damage to the rear lift door. Police are asking anyone to call 911 with information. Police Chief Charles Moose says the 911 lines are extremely busy, so be patient.
* Schools Respond with Restrictions
In response to the shootings, Montgomery County, Arlington and DC public schools have issued a code blue alert. That means the schools are locked down. There will be no outside activities and no open lunch. Afternoon kindergarten classes have been cancelled.


New member
Here's a link for coverage from a local TV station. It is their news front page, but as you'd expect the first few articles and stories (some video) are about this event.

I live about 30 min from where most of this happened. My aunt and uncle live about 15 min from some of where this happened and a cousin is about 5-10 min away. I used to work near some of this. I am quite familiar with the area. Kind of scary.

All surrounding school districts are on lockdown (except, stupidly, in my county, parts of which are no more than 10-15 min away from some of the shootings).

I am thinking it could be a terrorist activity. I've been saying for some time (to friends and family) that we need to be on the lookout for some of the smaller scale terrorist activities that Israel experiences just about every day (the big bombings we hear about here happen there, but many attacks are lone gunmen taking out a few people in public places, and even invading homes and killing the occupants). A series of smaller scale shootings and bombings can have a bigger impact than one of the biggies (they scare people more because they can more easily see it happening to them and they usually arouse less anger, where the big ones like 9/11 may invoke more anger than fear). Since there are two people it is unlikely to be a lone nut, since it is a rifle and not a pistol (plus the shooter seems to be a pretty good shot) it doesn't really sound like a gang initiation, and they seem to be random with no connection between the victims so its unlikely to be someone who knew and targeted them.

One would hope that this would wake Marylanders up to the need for CCW. One CCW carrying citizen could (mind you only could) have stopped this. However, we're in MD. More likely there will be calls to ban or at least control those dangerous sniper rifles that are so easy to obtain that you can get them at any sporting goods store or Walmart and there isn't even a waiting period for them.:( :rolleyes:


New member
well i just advised a couple of office mates where to buy Remington 870s..
wouldn't it be nice if some good came out of this and more Marylanders became gun owners and invested in the struggle for our rights (it starts with buying that shotgun or pistol to defend yourself, oh yeah, we're in MD you can't buy a pistol for something that is currently happening, there is a 7 day cooling off period :mad: ). Of course, as I say in my previous post, I'm not optimistic (we are in MD).


New member
Anyone remember that warning that al-Qaeda might do things like this?

What better place to do it to than a state that does not allow people the tools to defend themselves.


New member
One would hope that this would wake Marylanders up to the need for CCW. One CCW carrying citizen could (mind you only could) have stopped this. However, we're in MD. More likely there will be calls to ban or at least control those dangerous sniper rifles that are so easy to obtain that you can get them at any sporting goods store or Walmart and there isn't even a waiting period for them

Chaim - don't forget the handguns - There's always an outcry to ban them regardless of the type of gun used.

I live near where the shootings took place and have been in most of the establishments. Wanted to meet my daughter at the bus stop with a rifle, but figured this would freak out too many people and probably get me arrested, even though open rifle carry is legal in MD.

Hope they catch the bas****s soon!


New member

Unfortunately, you're probably right. Regardless of what else happens this will almost certainly be used to help finally pass full scale handgun licensing in this state (something that the gun grabbers have somehow failed to be able to pass here so far). Who knows, some cities, towns and even counties may even use this to go the way of Chicago and DC too and outright ban (or at least effectively ban) private ownership of handguns.

At the very least I fear that rifles will soon be subject to the same restrictions that handguns currently are here. I'm sure that after this rifles and shotguns will need a "cooling off" period as does the purchase of handguns now. They'll probably also subject them to the state police background check as they do handguns instead of allowing us to purchase them with "only" the FBI "instant" check system. I'm sure there will be additional licensing requirements for dealers that will effectively stop Walmart and the sporting goods stores from carrying long guns.

This is MD. Even Ehrlich, who Townsend is trying to paint as an extremist on guns because that is an effective tactic here, is against CCW, for the waiting period for handguns, for background checks, etc. I think this will be just one more nail in the coffin for rights in this state. Of course, I could be wrong (and I pray that I am).


New member
First thing I thought when I started reading the reports:

"Crap, it's a rifle."

The handgun shooting sprees are bad enough. The last thing we need is for some nut to discover how many people he can gun down with a cheap rifle. I just hope it wasn't some C&R rifle or that'll be the next target for the politicos.


New member
check out the symbol formed


Ed Brunner

New member
One ot the other

Terrorists like to kill a lot of people at one time. This is probably not terrorism.
The straight truck allows the shooter a prone position with a scoped rifle and as soon as the authorities determine this we are in further trouble. The required leglislation is waiting in the wings.

We have said for a long time that a .50BMG was yet to be used in a crime.
Wanna bet?

Baba Louie

New member
(tin foil hat mode on)

But gee Wally, what if they ARE terrorists? What if they continue this for a week or so all around our nations capitol? In VA, MD, maybe up to PA?

Yeah Beave, I see what ya mean, at the least, gov't employees will balk at going to work for awhile, or the idiots will Ban all our Guns away.

And what if they don't catch 'em Wally? What if there are other teams of two or three crazy guys with guns, "On a mission from God". What then Wally?

I don' know Beave
(tin foil hat mode off)

But then again, it could just be another "misguided fatherless waif", un-loved, scared, angry at this mean old world, who is "On a mission from God"...

or the Devil



New member
Clinton's News Network had a profiler pontificating on the shooter. I didn't see the whole piece but I did hear her say the person(s) responsible were either hunters, or military trained, or spent a lot of time at the range. Draw your own conclusions.

Just one observation here which may well be irrelevant. But since I specialize in uninformed speculation here goes:

It is my assessment that islamofascists responsible for the 911 hit could cause true chaos in the US if they were to simply stop thinking like Arabs (who tend to strike at symbols) and begin thinking like Americans (who tend to attach value to our everyday lives) but striking at American life. Examples are homicide bombers in malls or movie theatres, shooting up airports (LAX was a dry run) or by random murders.

No evidence other than just uninformed speculation.


New member
Hopefully this will end with the death of the murderer by the hands of an armed citizen.

Thinking about this makes me want to go out an pick up a couple extra boxes of ammo, just to keep all the mags loaded.


New member
Not if he/they stay in the PRMD Peteypete. PRMD is an unarmed victim zone. If the cops don't get him, he/they are free to roam and murder.


New member
Umm.. I don't know if you've seen the posts in the General Discussion forum, but this is going on within a two or three mile radius of my apartment.

It just doesn't seem big enough for a serious terrorist threat. It just seems too...amaturish.

You know what would impress bombs. On 11 Sep 01, I had to get to work after the plane flew into the Pentagon. And as I'm driving up 21st st, ( I think), I'm sitting there thinking that every car parked on the road side could just erupt at any second.

I'ld be impressed by that: one bomb at say the Capitol, then maybe one somewhere close about 15 minutes panic getting out of the city. About 45 minutes after the first explosion, set off car bombs at key intersections and bridges. Then set off three or four an hour in random this in D.C. and a couple of other cities and THEN I'll consider terrorists.

Otherwise, it's just a couple of lowlifes out gang-bangin'



New member
I'm with cosmo on this...

I first heard and though...Oh No, not a rifle.

Maybe I'm paranoid, but the terrorist angle makes sense to me...we'll know in a couple of days whether this is random or not...if it starts popping up all over the country than we rifle shooters are screwed. The govts of most states are more likely to (try to) take guns away rather than recognize the need for us to defend ourselves.

I keep wondering why they don't specify the bullet guess is that if it was a .50 BMG we would have already heard about it.