McCain must be voted out!!


New member
..he is a phony from the get-go who only positions himself at the expense of good policy-making in our nation....and now he is as much to blame for the Republicans loss as anyone...:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


New member
..or did he simply use his vietnam-POW status to elevate himself politically(sounds a little like Kerry's motives)...


New member
Well then, I say we just open a season on RINO's in general. No limit; no closed season. You don't even have to clean 'em.

I'm not surre you could ever get them clean, anyway.


New member
Arizona's McCain

I voted against him every election when I lived in Arizona...what a character!!! He and I may be Republicans, but we share nothing in common...not one political idea he has, could I support!

He manages to get shot down in Vietnam, spends years in a POW Camp...and he's a "hero"? No, he's an unlucky Naval Aviator, who ended up in a really crappy situation!!!

Chuck Yeager was shot down, escaped, got back to England and fought again...He's a "Hero"!

The Marine that President Bush just awarded the CMH...who threw himself on a grenade to save his buddies...He's a "Hero"!


New member
I respect and admire his service and what he went through for our country. That said, if I didn't know what he'd done, I'd never suspect him of it today. Be prepared, IMHO he will be the latest non choice, offered to us by the Republicans in 2008 for president. Unless he's running against the Hildabeast, I'll be sorely tempted to vote for the other liberal running, rather than him. Are there no more Ronald Reagans out there? Can the Republicans not find one true conservative to field? YMMV. Regards 18DAI.


New member
FTCM USCG - Zell Miller, excellent choice, I'd forgotten him. Elizabeth Dole is our senator, she talks a good game, but she's always willing to compromise with the Dems. I wonder if Zell miller has the political clout to get nominated?I'd vote for him. Regards 18DAI.


Generally when he speaks he seems to have common sense - it's his voting record I have problems with. I don't believe he's going to face another election before he starts his bid for the White House.


New member
Answering directly to the original thread title...

Not only does McCain need to be stopped from going any further with his presidential plans, but he needs to be stopped NOW by the Republican party.

McCain has no clue why this last vote turned out the way it did. He thinks he has a chance for president because he thinks the country turned Left, which it did NOT.
Republicans across the nation are totally misreading why the house cleaning happened and the longer we allow people like McCain to continue on, the harder it will be to get the right people voted in next time around.

Personally, I think there are way to many Republicans who just don't "get it", so I have every expectation that Conservatives will lose more in '08, especially since McCain is an indication of what too many people seem to think.


Camp David

New member
AirForceShooter said:
McCain has to go.

There is much to be said about the word a-c-c-o-m-o-d-a-t-i-o-n and it might have relevance to McCaine and other GOP members rank-and-file Republicans might find untenable... Accomodation means what candidate can win the presidential election in 2008 and still be acceptable to Republicans.

While I am not thrilled with McCaine or Guiliani, I find them much more preferable than say... another Clinton or an Obama...

We need to go forward mindful of who can win, not just who we want.
He manages to get shot down in Vietnam, spends years in a POW Camp...and he's a "hero"? No, he's an unlucky Naval Aviator, who ended up in a really crappy situation!!!

Chesty Puller thought the same thing. In WW2 we doubled the pay of those known to be in POW camps and virtually guaranteed them a promotion if and when they got out. We can all agree its a horrible thing to be a POW though. Especially under the Japanese in WW2 and the Vietnamese in the Vietnam war.


McCain is a terrible choice of candidate. Pure RINO.

Camp David, I'm sorry but you're wrong. "Accomodate" in politics means surrender to me. McCain was captured. He surrendered. He didn't escape, he is a Vietnam defeatist. Worse, he absolutely REVELS is his status as a "victim" of the atrocities of prison camp. He uses that status as a pity wedge with the voting populace. He "accomodates" democrats entirely too often. Add to that his onus for free speech and for the 2nd ammendment, and you have a capitulating weakling. He might even be worse than the Hildebeast.

I want a conservative. Nothing less.


New member
Camp David, I'm sorry but you're wrong. "Accomodate" in politics means surrender to me. McCain was captured. He surrendered. He didn't escape, he is a Vietnam defeatist. Worse, he absolutely REVELS is his status as a "victim" of the atrocities of prison camp. He uses that status as a pity wedge with the voting populace. He "accomodates" democrats entirely too often. Add to that his onus for free speech and for the 2nd ammendment, and you have a capitulating weakling. He might even be worse than the Hildebeast.

Some of you people truly make me ill. You want to attack his politics, fine, but the man served and served honorably.

He was shot down and badly injured (two broken arms and broken leg) but he's a weakling because he didn't escape. So tough guy, tell me how you would have done it?