McCain makes sense!!


New member
I can't believe it. John McCain was just on CNBC Hardball, and I agreed with what he said.

Chris Matthews asked him if we needed to escalate in Afghanistan and send in a lot of troops. McCain said he didn't have enough info to make an informed decision on that, and we have to leave that kind of thing to those who do know what's going on.

He also said that the administration wasn't giving much inside info to Congress, and he agreed that they shouldn't, since Congress just leaks it to the press.


New member
He usually checks to see which way the wind is blowing before speaking. Doesn't want to say anything that won't benefit him.



New member
That's the first time in a long time I've heard him say anything worth believing. Not enough to warrant Arizona keeping him in the Senate imho.


New member
Ross Perot is nuts, but he's also very Rich so he can get away with it...

McCain is like the wind....although I agree with what he said, I saw that show also, I think it was more politics to be a good guy at this point than anything else...

I still have him paired with Hanoi Jane and would like to give them a one way vacation back to VN to their favorite Red Camp of their choice.....

For a man that supposedly suffered so greatly at the hands of a communist regime - how can he be such a socialist....they're nothing more than kissin cousins....


New member
Hold off for a minute. Is that the same John McCain who a week to 10 days ago on some gab-fest demanded Bush send in lots of ground troops? What the clown was saying was the press needed more and different entertainment because this air war stuff is just boring. So let's liven it up with some American blood and guts just to keep our media entertained?

Great! The guy is a meglomaniac AND he's bipolar?

Does a section 8 discharge apply to congresspersons?


New member
I'm not a McCain fan especially after what he did during the run-off. But, I have to agree with you. What he said was correct. Maybe, he's reached his senses...

Joe Sixpack

New member
My theory...

Maybe McCain suffers from a trauma related personality disorder, hosting many different people inside one (to us anyway) completely absurd person.

A theory if I may:

The particular personality of McCain that has access to his “brain” managed to simultaneously gain control of his mouth. This incredibly rare phenomenon, known as "saying something intelligent" can only be viewed as a bizarre abnormality that he is not likely to repeat anytime soon.

And to think there was once a time when I believed he wasn't a complete menace. Boy, times sure have changed...?!?
